by manami 13 Mar 2011

I left a devastated Japan, with death number going over 2000 people. It is so sad.

My family is safe, and I pray for the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami.
Love and hugs,


by manami 15 Mar 2011

My beautiful Cute Family, thank you so much for your replies. I just posted pictures of my Grandkids and my son. Love you all. *******2all

by sewlikedawn 14 Mar 2011

Thank goodness that you and the family are safe from harm. Prayers and blessings to all that have lost friends and family. My heart goes out to each and everyone in this crisis. God be with all of you!
If you need anything please please let us know!
Take care!
Hugs Dawn

by lbrow 14 Mar 2011

So glad you are home again & with good news of your family. So many prayers are going up for help in this devastation. I know how sad it must be for you but Praise the Lord for the safety of your family./Lillian

by read180 14 Mar 2011

Dear Yoriko I am so glad to hear that you and your family are safe. Yes it is such a tragedy. I too pray for those who are in the midst of this tragic event. Hugs
Cindy B.

by jrob Moderator 14 Mar 2011

I join you in your prayers. I give thanks that you and your family are safe. This is a terrible thing and will take lots of time and help to overcome.

by francoisen68 14 Mar 2011

Happy to read you and your family are safe and that you are back home now. It's really horrible what is happening in Japan ! Love

by clawton 14 Mar 2011

Glad you are safe. Welcome home.

by 10tje 14 Mar 2011

I'm glad you're back.

Strength with it.

by cathiejones 14 Mar 2011

Welcome back Yoriko, safe.

by nini 14 Mar 2011

Querida amiga, graças a Deus que tudo está bem consigo e com toda a sua família. As imagens que tenho visto da devastação no Japão são terrívelmente impressionantes. As minhas orações estão com todos os que sofrem os efeitos do terramoto e do tsunami. Um abraço.

by asterixsew Moderator 14 Mar 2011

Helloo Yoriko, I am sure you are glad to be back in Auz but sad to have left Japan. Take care

by holly12 14 Mar 2011

I am so glad that you are back home & safe. I am also glad to hear your family is safe. My daughter & I were looking at pictures of Japan. I don't know how they will even start to clean up & what they will do with all bodies that have just washed up on shore. Much love & I will be praying for the people in Japan

by marietta 14 Mar 2011

So glad you are back safely Yoriko, yes it is terrible is'nt it? I was watching Sky News and it upset me so to see how this could happen,and how suddenly so many people could be left destitute, and so many people could lose their lives. Japan and all who suffered in Earthquake and tsunami are in my prayers too. So glad your family is safe.
Hugs and God bless.

by gerryvb 14 Mar 2011

thank you for the update. It makes me happy to see you are safe back home and your family is safe too. But it's awful what happened in Japan. Prayers are certainly needed for all people who lost so Gerry

by ladyboo 14 Mar 2011

Lord, how horrible. I know God has a reason, but WHAT!

by dlonnahawkins 14 Mar 2011

Welcome Back, Yoriko, and we are so glad that you had a safe trip. You rest, and we will all be back to you later.

by dlonnahawkins 14 Mar 2011

Welcome Back, Yoriko, and we are so glad that you had a safe trip. You rest, and we will all be back to you later.

1 comment
dlonnahawkins by dlonnahawkins 14 Mar 2011

Oops - hit it twice.

by lindaavolio 14 Mar 2011

Welcome back Yoriko....we were ALL worried about you.

by test 14 Mar 2011

You are back home, my friend. Im very glad.
Love, Veronika

by mary51 14 Mar 2011

Welcome back, glad you and your family are doing fine. God is great!!!

by edithfarminer 14 Mar 2011

Glad you made it safely home Yoriko. Such a terrible time for all in Japan. Prayers for them all.
Hugs edith

by jkdavis1996 14 Mar 2011

welcome home and please let us know if there is a specific way to pray for you and include all of Japan

by dlmds 14 Mar 2011

Happy Yoriko that you and yours are safe--however--my heart hurts for the ones who had terrible affects from the quake and tsunami. I have seen some pictures on our TV--however--I know that does not even touch on how bad the devastion truly is. My prayers for all. H&*

by trovato 14 Mar 2011

Glad you are safe home and we will think on all people who live in difficult time. Love to hear things about your trip and family, Yvonne

by anangel 14 Mar 2011

I am so glad you are back home safe and sound, and also, that your family is well. This is such a terrible disaster, and my heart goes out to all affected. Let's all continue to pray for them.

by grandmamek 14 Mar 2011

I sm glad that you are home safe and sound and that your family is safe. What a terrible tragedy for your country. I am praying for all the people. It is a terrible devastating situation. I aam sure right now you are tired and stressed. Take it easy and try and get some rest. Hugs, Mary

by sqdancer 14 Mar 2011

Such a relief to know you are home safe and sound Yoriko, and also to know that your family is safe as well. A terrible sadness to read about the devastation and so many lives lost...Do rest up my dear friend and we will all look forward to the coming pictures of your and many hugs Glenda x0x0x0

by dilceia 14 Mar 2011

Oh! Minha querida, fico feliz em saber que, você e sua família estão protegidos! Muito, muito triste o que esta acontecendo no Japão... que catástrofe!
Seja bem vinda! O nosso Deus esta com você.
Saudades... um beijo no seu coração,querida!

by designgirl 14 Mar 2011

Welcome Home.

by claudenicolas 14 Mar 2011

Glad to see you safe at home, and your family safe also.
What sadness for Japan.
Hugs Claude

by rmj8939 14 Mar 2011

Welcome back home. We need to keep praying for the people that are dealing with all this. It is so terrible for them.

by grafiau 14 Mar 2011

Welcome home YORIKO, I am glad you are safe! I cant beleive the devestation we are seein on the news, I almost feel like I have lost a part of me as I love japan so much. We have people there we like very much, who when we visit make us feel very special. They are not frequent writers of letters or emails, so its hard to know how they are, the only blessing is our friends are in chiba prefecture and i believe it hasnt been hit by the tsunami, Love ruth

by meganne 14 Mar 2011

Welcome home Yoriko. I am so glad you came back safely.
There is so much sadness right now that this good news brings some joy to my heart.

I am praying for all your countrymen and women. This is a great tragedy but with love and strength we all will endure. At least you and your family are safe. Hugs and blessings, Meganne

by april22 14 Mar 2011

Glad to see that you are home.
God bless.

by juanitadenney 14 Mar 2011

Welcome home, glad you and your family are safe. I pray for all those that have been affected. Juanita

by shazells 14 Mar 2011

Welcome home

by crafter2243 Moderator 14 Mar 2011

Nice to hear you are home and safe. Thanks for letting us know. WELCOME HOME

by 2createit 14 Mar 2011

Welcome Home Yoriko.

by pldc 14 Mar 2011

I am glaad that you & your family are safe

by sandralochran 14 Mar 2011

Hi Yoriko. Glad all is ok and you had a safe trip home.I will try to get down to see you soon .I am off to to the Specialist tomorrow .Love Sandra

by castelyn 14 Mar 2011

Hi Yoriko,
I have been thinking of you and your Family, when I saw the news, while I was away.

Thanks so much for letting us know that you and your family are safe.
God bless.
Hugs and love Yvonne

by emily16838 14 Mar 2011

So glad you and your family are safe. I'm praying for all affected during this difficult time. Its just heart breaking.

by airyfairy 14 Mar 2011

Good to have you back safe. I have missed you. Sarah.

by beatie58 13 Mar 2011

Yoriko, thank you for you lovely postcard! Welcome Home! glad you are back safe and sound and your family is as well, must be heartbreaking to leave your family in Japan. My thoughts are with you Hugs Sally

by hightechgrammy 13 Mar 2011

Oh Yoriko, As soon as I heard of the earthquake as the news came in, I prayed for you and your family and all of Japan. Such a terrible natural disaster - I am so relieved t hear you are safe. How hard it must have been for you to leave your beloved country when it is in such distress. My heart and prayers are with you, your family and Japan.
love, Jan

by oldandgrey 13 Mar 2011

Glad to see that you are home & all is O.K. with you & your family

by sewdeb 13 Mar 2011

Yoriko, I'm so glad to hear you and yours are safe, but my heart goes out to all the people of Japan affected by the quake, tsunami and now the reactors, too. I will continue to keep them in my prayers. Hugs and *****

by pennifold 13 Mar 2011

Dear Yoriko,

I am so thankful that you are home safe and sound. I am just so upset by all the devastation in your beautiful birth country. Many prayers for all the homeless, lost and orphaned families and for all those who are searching for them. Love and blessings Chris

by moyed 13 Mar 2011

Yoriko,Thank you for your beautiful postcard. Hugs. Helen

by moyed 13 Mar 2011

Yoriko, Blessings to you, SOOO glad you are home in Australia now and you & your family are safe.

by jacquipaul 13 Mar 2011

Glad you are home and are safe. Rest and get your strength, and sleep well at home. I am so grateful that you are your family are well. My prayers are with those who have been affected by this terrible tragedy.
Hugs and love,

by obaachan 13 Mar 2011

So happy to hear that you are home and that you and yours' are safe... I have had communication with my friends and family there and so far all is alive.. they have suffered much destruction in their homes and work places.. I have been told that my Uncle is ok, but I have not been able to talk to him... Again happy that you and your family is safe and alive..

by shirlener88 13 Mar 2011

Yoriko, so happy to hear you are home - I am shocked you got out and when you did - that you didn't bring your family with you. I know that you just can't take people out of the country - but I bet you wanted to.

I don't know if you saw my posting earlier - but I received your postcard on the day of the earthquake and it was as if my prayer had been answered to hear from you.

by katydid 13 Mar 2011

We pray for you and all there. Hope you are safe!!

by mi30kaja 13 Mar 2011

I feel for all of those who have lost loved ones. The ones who have lost all of their belongings and the children who have lost parents. Lyn

by sewmom 13 Mar 2011

How did you get out? I can't imagine what you've been through and welcome home.

by raels011 13 Mar 2011

Nice to know you are hame safe & well

by nonna57 13 Mar 2011

Welcome Home Yoriko.