Very nice! The top of the bookmark seems to have the same wings as the butterfly - how did you do this? BTW, what happend to your o's and a's?
I tried to find something similar already digitized and had no luck soI simply merged the butterfly on top of
the fsl bookmark (I did increase the base by 20 percent, and the butterfly fit perfectly)and sewed it out together. Then made another butterfly and tacked it down on top. Hope this makes sense.
LOL My o's and a's is me shortening up words-okay for my notes but not a good habit for public notes.
WOW having a heck of a time uploading projects tonite. My closeup pic dissapeared 2x so I give up.
I merged the butterfly with the base bkmark and made
another and tacked on top.Also enlarged the bkmrk 20
percent. Was fun to do!
It is lovely as I remarkd on the other posting.
I'm glad you saw it before the pic dissapeared-having a tough time uploading tonite.