These are things that are not always understood until it happens to a person. I did not know til recently that there was a check to let you know you had a PM.
I prefer an answer to a new one, as it keeps the thread together. It should make no difference as others have stated, but isn't it annoying to get no reply when you have answered a question - which might have taken considerable time in some cases.
Yes , you should click onto the reply and it will add the +1 with the PM block.
Or the cutie will have to go into all the latest PM to see if there were comments left. Hugs Yvonne
Thank you! I gave you 51 flowers last night to push you to 83000. Other people were giving you flowers too! Heres one more!
How doyou give more than one flower? I hear people talking about giving more but how do you do that? I only knew of the thanks flowers in green to turn to orange.
I don't think it makes a difference - the problem arises if you reply by "adding comment" and that answer remains hidden, possibly forever!
It makes no difference if you start a new message or click reply. The problem is with add comment. (The question asked if it was better to start a new PM)
If you click reply, it will alert the person by putting the +1 beside their private tab....if you click add comment, that person does not receive an indicator of your added text. So, clicking reply should notify someone of added text.