by iris2006 25 Mar 2008

jrob and shirlener just got up to the same amounth of flowers 4831


by shirlener88 25 Mar 2008

iris, oh but that it were - Hehehe! It isn't me - I don't have that many - that is for sure. But thank you dear one for thinking that I did. *4U

iris2006 by iris2006 27 Mar 2008

Sorry shirlener for this misunderstanding, but you are not far away from this amount do you???

shirlener88 by shirlener88 12 Jun 2008


by ruthie 25 Mar 2008

Iris, either your eyes are suffering strain from being on the computer too long, or there's something wrong with my eyes, haha! According to me jrob has 4583 flowers, and shirlene has 4466 flowers. Now the deal is this iris, I won't tell, if you won't tell - because I'm not going to admit that I'm here at *Cute* way too much, and I'm sure you wouldn't want anyone to know you are either. So let's just tell everyone that the gremlin in the computer was messing around with the flower numbers, haha! Hugs and a flower for you sweetie - in fact a whole bouquet of flowers because you've given us so many! Have a fun day everyone.