I unzip daily and delete the formats I don't use.I learned the hard way that all those blank folders take up space... I am not particularly organized but after a time of downloading EVERYTHING I have come to realize that some designs I will never use,no matter how cute etc. I have also come to realize that I was spending more time on the computer organizing,collecting,and generally playing with designs, than actually USING them!! My New Years resolution is to do more with what I have! There! I Have actually said it! Now the rest remains to be seen...LOL!
Hugs and**to you all,
If the option to open first is available I always open the design first then save the format and any other info I need in the proper file. That way you don't have to go back and handle that design again. You also know right away if you already have the design. I do have a file that is labeled change format and if I have a design that needs to be changed I will sometimes put it there and come back later if I can't do it at the time I download it.
I finally have my downloads under control-I only have 8 items in downloads-they are font folders waiting to be completed-feels kinda good to have that cleaned up-but now I need to further sort and organize and get everything saved. I have found alot of repeats that I didn't realize I had already downloaded.
When I first signed up here-I was a downloading fool-like a kid in a candy store-now when I start looking at all the things I downloaded from all three sister sites plus all the extra freebies from other sites- it blows my mind- I know I will never use 1/2 of it. If I second guess-I just hit delete.
Maybe this weekend I will devote to further sorting...MAYBE!!
I would really like to sort through my fabric, notions, books, file cabinet,pictures, etc. too-we'll see if anything gets done or not
I don't dl every design or alpha I see, only ones I really like or think I might use in the future and I unzip each one and put it in the folder for the type it is right then. I have to or I'd never find anything.
I have a file called " To be unzipped". This I will do over our winter then put all of them onto an External hard Drive for safe keeping. If I really want to do something straight I unzip but also keep a duplicate in the Unzipped file. Lyn
I still have to get an external hard drive-thinking I might get one Friday when we go to Burlington-hubby is getting one for the IMac-desktop-I want one for my PC-mostly for my embroidery files ~linda~
I always unzip when I dl but I just put it in the matching folder when I have both formats that I need (have a janome and a brother). So my problem is that I park them on my desktop and the desktop get more crowded with every dl...But I'm clever and create a new folder "to finish" and put all in there ;o) You can imagine what's waiting for me when I open this folder??? Yes, much more folders!
Was on turquoise's blog today; so nasty this mass of freebies for a poor little embroidery-addictive heart. Can't leave them alone because they call they wanna come with me...
So your not alone and we are trying our best to bring a system in it. The best thing is that you did not see this mess opposite to that in my sewing-room; just switch off the PC and it all looks clean and tidy :o)
Greetings, Bettina
ja, ich glaube, wir sind uns alle sehr ähnlich
- immerhin sortiere ich meine Muster aber "ord
entlich" - aber man kann nicht widerstehen,
immer wieder neue tolle kostenlose Designs
zu finden und zu sammeln. Meine Söhne amüsie
ren sich schon köstlich und fragen, wieviel
hundert Jahre ich eigentlich leben will, um
alle Muster wenigstens 1 x sticken zu können. Bin aber zuversichtlich, eine meiner
Zwillingstöchter hat das Nähen für sich ent-
deckt, und ich bin jetzt ihre "Auftragsstickerin". Aber die süßen Bärchen
von Turquoise müssen auch irgendwann gestickt werden - nur ist die Frage: Wann??
Ja, das Arbeitszimmer sieht bei mir auch
schlimm aus. Den Computer kann man einfach
ausschalten, und dann ist alles ordentlich.
Neuerdings schläft unser verrückter Kater
gerne auf dem Bügelbrett, so dass es mit der
Arbeitsfläche immer knapper wird...
Liebe Grüße Maria
That made me laugh too. True the computer is no only thing neat in my room
Hey there Bettina-nice to see ya posting every now and then again-miss our back and forth banter lol ~linda~
I'm with lenamae. When I first started I downloaded everything. but after all these years and over 5 gbs of designs, I really have to want it or know I'll use it. My problem is getting them into my permanent files. That takes time. Which is one reason I have cut back.
I never down load one unless I really want it or I know i will use it.
I want to make them all... I think I might be crazy LOL... So many great designs
I unzip and file as I get them, To me, that is quicker, and I don't have to handle each design 2-3 times. Also, I know right away if the design in incomplete or messed up. Hope this helps. Hugs, Judy
Yes way behind. Don't know what will help maybe if we had more hours in a day??
I unzip every time I finish downloading designs. When I dl a design it goes in the folder it belongs to, then I can delete any formats I don't want, or convert to jef if need be. If you start with a good system, it just become automatic, it works for me.
Carol-after I spent almost all one weekend cleaning up my rediculous download collection-unzipping and converting designs-I too, use jef-ditching repeats and deleting what I "had to have" but really didn't want it on further inspection-I have kept my downloads to a minimum-do as I go-like you are doing-makes things so much neater and easier. Now I have to tackle the older files that I had before I semi-organized... LOL -live and learn, I guess ~linda~
unzipped files drive me nuts. I try to unzip at least every other day if not every day, and then put them in the file they belong in that way I've always got what I want when I need it (yeah right) not counting new designs, sales, freebies, and just gotta haves (giggle)
Oh thats what I try to do too. But then a week goes buy...ugh. I put them all in the March folder and then hopefully if I'm catch up I change the name of the folder to April or just start a new April folder and hope to do better next month LOL
There will always be designs to organize. I try not to get behind, but there is no way to keep up. I have literally thousands of free designs and now seldom save any more.
I always do this! The designs that I download are so pretty or cute I can't stop myself!!! LOL I do catch up but it will take me the whole day!!
Me the whole day and night...I think my husband is glad I'm have no time to bug him.... I just hang out in my Man Cave LOL I have to think up a new name for my cave
Nice to know I'm not the only one! I unzip as I need
I get so behing in unzipping ziped files! And ive come to the conclusion that I will unzip as I go!!!
I've never caught up. Planned on doing so, but hasn't happened yet. Course being in hospital for a month could have a little to do with it. And if I quit dl every day and no sewing at all and then I might catch up and then try to keep up!
Good to know someone else is behind - tks.
I just don't sew until I'm organized... so I don't ever get much done....But I love downloading the designs buying some and DREAMing of all th great things I going to do FUN FUN FUN
Aren't we all the same? You mirror my feelings
and thoughts perfectly - always dreaming of
the great things to do. But looking back I
find I have done a lot - but 99percent for
other peoples - daughters and girl friends
and kids in my surrounding :-) Maria