Almost forgot-some site if you refresh every min. you get new design and don't have to wait
Never had any problems. Have downloaded 100's if not 1000's of designs from them and sistersites. Easy to change sizes with Wilcom Sizer also, automatically changes density.
Never had problems with the site or the sistersites. Nice designs without many colorchanges and the most are small so I can use them for kids-stuff.
Greetings, Bettina
never had or have problems with DL the design , every 10-12 minutes they have a freebie. I also visit the other sites without problems. By the way they just started a new alpha Playroom. ABC are still for dl.
I haven't had a problem with the site. I collect only ones I really like. I like the font they offer but I haven't stitched them out, yet.
I've downloaded from the site as well. Haven't visited any of the sister sites. Just collecting their free alpha at this time. Haven't stitched them out yet.
I have downloaded many of their designs and also from their sister sites. Mostly those designs are just kind of simple, and used to lure people there for the advertising links. I don't think there is anything wrong with them, but often they are just a piece of a design, not of much value. I haven't had any trouble with any of the sites:,,, etc. It's just kind of a waste of time, but if you have some time to waste....
I haven't been to those sites in quite a while as after a while they repeat them over and over and over and you just aren't getting much for your time.
I have downloaded designs from freebielover and the other sites. Most of the designs are fine there are just a few which dont stitch out well
I have downloaded from freebie lover and all the sister sites with now problems at all....and they stitch out well!
Hope this helps!
I had downloaded many designs from all the sites, I have not use them yet, but no problems with the site.