My husband and I would always travel to Australia and New Zealand twice a year. We lived in Hong Kong at the time and when it was cold there we went to your wonderful country to escape the cold and when it was too hot we returned to Australia to escape the heat. I love your country and miss going there.
1. our Spring Break is usually April around Easter.
2. Our schools start in August and go almost through June
3.Some holidays are one day and some the school is out for two weeks. Depends on the school district
4. Hannukah is a Jewish holiday and would better be explained by a person who follows that religion
5. Summer camp is for children to go to either because both parents work when the children are off from school or in our case we sent our kids for a couple of weeks to learn how to camp, ride horses and just do things that we normally don't do in the cities. Oh some school districts are off for the entire summer and some schools are year around and only have a couple of weeks off in the summer, spring, fall and winter. Our schools don't always have the same rules. Hope this explains a little.
Thank you. I find it interesting how different our countries are. My kids would love being off school for the whole summer!! Wow!