by lesbabe 22 Mar 2011

does anyone know where I can find free logo's for cars eg: opel..sure I saw them on a chinese site awhile back,but can't really remenber?

thank you lesley


by lesbabe 23 Mar 2011

thank you all so much

by sabinemufassa 23 Mar 2011

many logo's also opel.

getEdited - SELECT
by capoodle 23 Mar 2011

Here are some lego items.

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 23 Mar 2011

Just realized I read your logo as lego toys. lol

by moyed 22 Mar 2011

there are cars on this site.dont know about logos but did find the black and white race flags. Helen

by marjialexa Moderator 22 Mar 2011

I see you're new here, and perhaps new to embroidery as well. Logos for cars, restaurants, chocolates, or absolutely ANYthing are copyright pieces of art. For anyone to digitize them and sell the design, they would have to purchase a license from the company the logo belongs to, and I assure you the license would be expensive, and the design would be as well. You might find some (or many) company logos on the Chinese sites as freebies. My best guess is that those companies have hired the Chinese embroiderers to do shirts, ball caps, some item with the logo on it. The Chinese apparently do not understand or don't respect copyright laws, so they put the design they digitized for that car maker up as a 'freebie', but it is copyright violation for them to do it, or for you to use it. Same applies to Disney, NASCAR, NFL, NBA, etc. etc. etc.
You could just use the letters in your machine to make whatever car manufacturer name you wish. Best of luck, Marji

1 comment
bevintex by bevintex 22 Mar 2011

It's nice to see you Marjialexa.