by brendaleas 27 Mar 2008

morning all! man I miss this site, I have been so busy with the grandkids, I have not had the time to get to the computor much. and by the time they go home in the evening I am ready for bed


by shirlener88 27 Mar 2008

brenda, I am sure that taking care of the grandkids can get busy - with those ages, especailly - we all will be here - when you get the time - in the meantime - enjoy them - it doesn't seem like it now - but they grow up much too fast and soon you will be wondering where those littles ones went. Hehehe! *4U

by marjialexa Moderator 27 Mar 2008

Uh oh, Brenda, taking care of grandkids, I'm thinking you're really resembling your avatar about now!! They must be fun, but at my age I'd probably be soooo glad they go home with mommy! I don't have any yet, but my step-daughter is getting married in May, so I suppose there's hope. She's 33 though, kind of late for babies, I think, but then it's what *she* thinks that counts! I know her finace wants kids, so we'll see. I'll stick with the kitties, myself, till we can train babies to use the litter box, lol. Hang in there, they'll probably grow up all too soon for you. Oh, man, just looked out the window & it's snowing again! I'm going to work on my quilt for the contest (only have to turn it in on Saturday, this is Thursday, plenty of time, hee hee hee), probably won't win, but at least it'll be hanging in the shop for all to see for a while. Have a good day, gramma! Marji

brendaleas by brendaleas 27 Mar 2008

yes,most days I feel I what my avatar looks like, I have a daughter that is 31 and has a 8 month, almost 10yearold and 7 year old and a 6yr step-daughter. and she is talking about having another, I told her that she is crazy!! I know that the kids will be to old for grandma;s house soon. Zachary the 20 month old, will start preschool in Sept. when he's sister starts K-garden. He's the hand full. Dalton is 21/2 and Ashtyn is 5 months. and sometimes I have Mackenzie she is 4 going on 18. most days I love keeping them. But Monday Zac lost his pacifer. and He cried for 1 1/2 none stop. I like to went crazy. I found the thing in the icebox. In the door. well I have to go .
the boys are about ready for their naps
:) :) :) love nap time.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 27 Mar 2008

Oh Marji, please post pictures of your quilt - please! *4U