by nisi 27 Mar 2008

Now I know how to vote, but more to go. What do the flowers mean? How to give and receive? Why is a name in pink in the questions and the flower gray? Thank you to all who have time to answer!


by lorettag28 27 Mar 2008

nisi, welcome to the 'CUTE' family, you have your answers, this is always a #1 question. Don't worry about them, have fun giving and receiving them. HaHa. Here is a flower for you!

by sandralochran 27 Mar 2008

Welcome to this site You will enjoy same

by clawton 27 Mar 2008

The basic question has been answered so I'll just extend a warm welcome and flower. You will love the site for lots of reasons.

by shirlener88 27 Mar 2008

Just have fun with them - is my answer - give and receive - you will enjoy them - alot more. *4U

by jrob Moderator 27 Mar 2008

The name in pink means you have clicked on it and looked at that profile. You just have to smile and write a question or answer or just an opinion or make a comment and we can give you a flower. Or you can post in projects or bookmarks to be eligible for us to give you a flower. So, get busy girl, there's flowers to be collected! ;)

by nglover1 27 Mar 2008

Freida has answered the question well but I wanted to Welcome you to the Cute Family & here is a flower for you.

by freida 27 Mar 2008

Click on an orange flower to give a flower. Gray means it is unavailable for selection. Yours will show gray to you and the ones you have selected will be gray, too. The flowers indicate activity on the site. I am not sure what their purpose is, other than the pleasure it gives us giving and getting them. Glad you are among us and I look forward to chatting with you. Folks here are great and very helpful. Just ask if you have an embroidery question of problem...someone knows the answer. They are knowledgeable and will share. Freida