by queenofhearts 27 Mar 2011

After seeing all the pretty biscornus that have been posted I finally had to try it myself. Here are my projects.


by queenofhearts 28 Mar 2011

Thank you all for your kind comments. I'm afraid I'm addicted or at least until another bright idea comes along. Next I'm going to try the scrubby dishcloth that SICK posted last week. Has anyone done that yet?

by rmj8939 28 Mar 2011

You did a very nice job on these. Love the top left one.

by airyfairy 28 Mar 2011

These are lovely and I love the waffle weave - gives a most interesting texture.

by maryp1 28 Mar 2011

These are just stunning!! What a great idea using the teatowel! It gives them a lovely textured look. Great work and well done .. it is addictive isn't it!

by lilylady 28 Mar 2011

very pretty, are you addicted like the rest of us?

by oaro 27 Mar 2011

You did very nice job

by sewfrenzie 27 Mar 2011

Lovely, excellent recycling! I love the idea of recycling anything that is not totally ruined. Great job!

by tippi 27 Mar 2011

They are all very pretty. I like the tea towel you used.

by sboo 27 Mar 2011

Very cute. and yes they are addictive. Shirley

by mi30kaja 27 Mar 2011

Beautiful! I love all of them. Hope you had fun making them. Lyn

by juliette30 27 Mar 2011

Très joli

by shirlener88 27 Mar 2011

Very lovley work - what sort of fabric did you use for these?

queenofhearts by queenofhearts 27 Mar 2011

I had a tea towel that was kind of a waffle weave but it had a stain on it, so I cut it up and made three of these. the fourth (pink one)was made from a recyled napkin. The bottom two are made from a Cuties design, the top two are made from a quilt block that I liked because it had hearts on it.

queenofhearts by queenofhearts 27 Mar 2011

I learned that the secret to getting well defined corners is to sew only 1/8 of the design at a time, stopping and backstitching after each 1/8. I have only been embroidering for about a year but I have been sewing for more than 50 so I have learned a few tricks of the trade.

by mops Moderator 27 Mar 2011

They are very pretty.

by muflotex 27 Mar 2011

You did good.

by dlonnahawkins 27 Mar 2011

Good job - you had better watch - they may be addictive.

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 27 Mar 2011

They are! Lyn