by cissie03 27 Mar 2011

What do you use to make an iron-on applique? I want to make some but don't know exactly how.


by spendlove Moderator 28 Mar 2011

It is called bondaweb here in UK - it isn't permanent though - you would need to zig zag as well as mentioned below.

by bizkid 27 Mar 2011


Once you've stitched out your design:
1. Unhoop it
2. Trim around it leaving about 1/4 inch
3. Turn the design over with the back facing up
4. Cut a piece of Heat 'n' Bond Ultra the size of the trimmed design
5. Fuse the adhesive to the back of your design
6. Trim close to the edge, being careful not to clip your stitches.
7. Remove the paper backing of the adhesive, flip, position & iron down


mops by mops 28 Mar 2011

That's how I do it, but I zig zag as well, especiaaly on items that will get washed often.

cissie03 by cissie03 28 Mar 2011

Hello Mops, do you use Vliesofix?

by capoodle 27 Mar 2011

Had to sew a lot of Girl Scout and Boy Scout badges on and the iron on stuff didn't last long so I used matching or invisible thread and zig-zag them on. If you want to remove the zig-zag stitch is easy to take out. Have made some just using the applique method on fabric with wash away and they turn out great. There is a special iron on made just for badge making but I found it expensive.

by elizabethak 27 Mar 2011

Magic applique - greaseproof type paper with a vilene type stuff stuck to it which you then iron on to the back of your design. Cut out, remove paper, iron onto your main fabric. I think in the States it is called Wonder Under.
Been doing this for years on my stoles until I bought my embroidery machine. It does enable you to do large designs for banners etc.
*4U OOps forgot, the design must then be satin stitched down. I use my rayon or polyester embroidery thread.

by bevintex 27 Mar 2011

emblibrary to the rescue!

cissie03 by cissie03 27 Mar 2011

Thanks for the link but they use glue

bevintex by bevintex 27 Mar 2011

Couldn't you make a patch and iron on wonder under or something like that?

capoodle by capoodle 27 Mar 2011

It isn't strong enough to stay on very long.

getEdited - SELECT
by lexusblu 27 Mar 2011

I dont have an answer to your question. but was reading about something similar in a decoupage book. It said you get a type of vilene with both sides being iron on. You iron your material cut out shape (eg star) onto one side of the vilene and when you are ready you peel off the "sticker" and iron onto your garment - Could it work in our case to use a very thick iron on vilene and embroider onto one side and can then iron the iron-on onto garment.

by emily16838 27 Mar 2011

Me too

by shop 27 Mar 2011

I don't know how to do this either. Can't wait to see the answer. I would love to make some for my grandsons. Shar