by lenamae 29 Mar 2011

Not a quwstion I just want to tell all I will be gone for about 3 weeks going to see my sister will miss you all love and hugs Lenamae


by ermaplatt 30 Mar 2011

Have a great time. There is nothing like spending time with the people who know and love us most.

by grandmamek 30 Mar 2011

Have fun!! Sisters are the best persons to visit!! I always enjoy mine. Hugs, Mary

by beatie58 30 Mar 2011

Have a great time we will miss you too!

by noah 30 Mar 2011

hi, i sent you a private message carolyn

by lbrow 30 Mar 2011

Hope you have an enjoyable time Lena!/Lillian

by pennifold 30 Mar 2011

Have a wonderful time with your sister Lena - come back refreshed and relaxed. Love and blessings Chris

by castelyn 30 Mar 2011

Have a good trip. Will miss you.Hugs Yvonne

by shirlener88 30 Mar 2011

We will miss you - but have fun Lenamae.

by debswebster 30 Mar 2011

Enjoy your lovely long holiday, lucky you!!

by 02kar Moderator 30 Mar 2011

Have a wonderful time and don't worry about us. You will have a great time catching up when you get back.

by ramona 29 Mar 2011

Hope you have a great time and come back safe and sound.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Mar 2011


by katydid 29 Mar 2011

Take your lap top and you won't miss anything. Have a wonderful trip!

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 29 Mar 2011

Katy I will take my lap top but my sis does not have the internet so I will miss a lot. I plan to try to learn how to use this program I don't know how to use maybe when I come back I can digitize something.hugs Lenamae