by joaniessw 30 Mar 2008

CONGRATULATIONS to marymoore who made 1000*'s


by shirlener88 31 Mar 2008

Marymoore, CONGRAULATIONS - you have a large bouquet of nice smelling flowers in your arms today - with the new look from yesterday and now this - isn't it great? joanie, thanks for the heads up - *4U

by meganne 30 Mar 2008

It is so nice that you noticed. Cheers & a cyberose for your garden too, Meganne

by ruthie 30 Mar 2008

Congrats mary, it's lovely to have you here with us sweetie, hugs and flowers for you.

1 comment
ruthie by ruthie 30 Mar 2008

Thanks for this joanie, hugs and a flower too.

by nglover1 30 Mar 2008

Marymoore Congrats on reaching 1000 Wasn't this fun ? And Joanie Thank You for posting . Floweres for both of you.

by marymoore 30 Mar 2008

thanks girls just got home from work

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 31 Mar 2008

Wow, on Sunday or do you live across the water? I never know where we all come from. Hehehe! Have a great celebration. *4U

by clawton 30 Mar 2008


by dlmds 30 Mar 2008

Darn, I was watching for this. Then my fingers got to blabbing and I missed it. Thanks for the heads-up joaniessw. Great job marymoore!! You go girl!! H.*.

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 31 Mar 2008

dlmds, you have to watch those blabbering fingers. Hehehe! *4u

by shirlener88 30 Mar 2008

joanie, thank you for the heads up. CONGRATULATIONS marymoore, a new look and 1000 flowers - you sure look nice today. *4U joanie.

by letvia 30 Mar 2008

Congratulations Mary, well done. Flower and XoXo to you too Joanie

by jrob Moderator 30 Mar 2008

way to go Mary! Ta Dah! Wasn't it a fun trip?!?;)