by manami 11 Apr 2011

Fukushima, where the nuclear plant is: M7.1 and 6, half hour ago. Warning for tsunami has been released, and I am so worried about my family there.

I'm trying to contact my family there, hopefully everyone is well and safe.
Love and hugs,


by lucypiwow 12 Apr 2011


by sewlikedawn 11 Apr 2011

I can't even image what you are going though being so far away from your family. I will be praying for you and your family and all of Japan to be safe and away from danger. Take care and please lets us know if you find out anything. God Bless Hugs Dawn

by beatie58 11 Apr 2011

Yoriko, glad to hear your family are all ok... Hugs Sally

by gramsbear 11 Apr 2011

Yoriko, You and your family are in my Prayers. I hope thimgs are not as bad this time. Hugs & Prayers, Judy

by nanabs 11 Apr 2011

When I saw this I thought it was an old post and hadn't heard there were more earthquakes. Sending prayers for all of Japan and your family. This is such sad news. those poor people have had enough.
Hugs Judy

by holly12 11 Apr 2011

Thank you so much for letting us know what is going on. They are still in my prayers. Arlene

by manami 11 Apr 2011

Dear Cuties,
I have contacted my family and they are well and safe, they are only worried about the situation in affected areas. Love and hugs, Yoriko

1 comment
manami by manami 12 Apr 2011

I can't believe so many earthquakes or aftershock Japan is suffering. Today 2 small (M 5 and 6.0)earthquakes in Nagano and Chiba, and another one 3 hours ago in Fukushima. The level of severity for the nuclear plant was raised from 5 to 7, the same level as chernobyl disaster. I hope they will fix the plant soon, so to give some relief to the people living there.

by asterixsew Moderator 11 Apr 2011

Yoriko, thinking about the situation and hopine you can get contact with your family. Thinking also about other Japanese people and hoping there is no tsunami. I know Japan has many earthquakes but hoe that those coming are not high on the Richter scale
Sayonara, Caroline

by sewdoctor 11 Apr 2011

will keep a prayer for you and family...How much more can these poor people deal with?

by bettytaylor 11 Apr 2011

praying your family is alright Yoriko. thank you for all you do for us. maybe if we all pray at one time it would be more forceful and God would surely hear us. Love and hugs. Betty

by debleerl 11 Apr 2011

They have been in my prayers since day one. My heart goes out to all. Hugs*

by gg2009 11 Apr 2011

I actually hurt in my heart and my gut for all of the people of Japan, and all those trying to help them. Please keep us updated on your family.

by minicow 11 Apr 2011

yes of course precious cutie - Japan is in my prayers
hugs & sparkles from minicow

by noah 11 Apr 2011

yes we as a church family are praying for your people carolyn

by cutegirl 11 Apr 2011

you and your family are in our prayer, hope they are all ok , do let us know when you hear from them please. Geeta

by kalinelson 11 Apr 2011

I'm so sorry to hear that even more weather is threating Japan.....I will continue to keep the people of Japan in my prayers....Gods blessings Janet

by chenille 11 Apr 2011

Oh my! You have my prayers and more for all the Japanese families.
Love & hugs, Nadyne

by camylow 11 Apr 2011

Our Foothills Church also said a Prayer for the people of Japan yesterday in our service...We are holding them in our hearts and sending heartfelt prayers to the Heavenly Father to send down his everlasting love to help us through this...

by capoodle 11 Apr 2011

It would be a wonderful thing if your family members could get emergency visas to have an extended visit with you in Australia.

by mysugarfootswife 11 Apr 2011

Nothing on any of the news sites. But horrible. Hope everything is ok with your people.

by crafter2243 Moderator 11 Apr 2011

I am joining all that are praying.

by holly12 11 Apr 2011

Yoriko, my thoughts and prayers are with you, your family & the whole of Japan. It is unbielievable that this can be happening. They have not even recoverd from the one a month ago. I will continue to pray there is nothing more I can do. But you well know there is power in prayer. Arlene

by hightechgrammy 11 Apr 2011

Oh Yoriko we are praying, still praying for your family and for your whole country of Japan. May our Lord keep them safe. Much love, Jan

by ksgram1 11 Apr 2011

I just said another prayer for the safety of your family and the other wonderful people of Japan. Please let us know when you receive word from your family. We care so much. Love and Hugs, marjorie

by sewfrenzie 11 Apr 2011

I read about that just a few minutes ago. My heart goes out to evryone there. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I pray you family is save and finds a way to get to a safer place. So sad. PLease keep us posted.

by lbrow 11 Apr 2011

Yoriko, they are not forgotten, my church had prayer for them yesterday, before I even saw your request. Rest assured we shall continue to remember them/Lillian

by muflotex 11 Apr 2011

Love, prayers and hugs, Sue

getEdited - SELECT
by eleen 11 Apr 2011

duplicate sorry but I do not know how to cancel it so I purely edited.

by eleen 11 Apr 2011

How terrible. I will pray for the Japanese people and your family. I've read in one of our magazines the amazing progress that has been made to rebuilt the areas which was affected by the initial quakes. The photo's of after and now was just unbelievable. We will not be able to bring that about so I have a great admiration for the Japanese. But it must be terrible to have that constant fear of not knowing what is going to happen.

by dilceia 11 Apr 2011

Com certeza, minha boa amiga, estamos todos pedindo a Deus por este povo tão sofrido e especial para a sua família. Que Deus a proteja e a conforte!
Beijos no seu coração!

by 02kar Moderator 11 Apr 2011

Yoriko. I am so sorry. I continue to be concerned for the people of Japan. My prayers continue. Please keep us informed.

by nonna57 11 Apr 2011

Sending my thoughts and prayers to you and family Yoriko. Was good to hear that the tsunami warning has been called off. Thinking of you :)

by moyed 11 Apr 2011

Yoriko, this is sad news. I pray your friends and family are OK, hugs. Helen

by airyfairy 11 Apr 2011

So terribly sorry to hear about this Yoriko. Those poor people have been through so much already. This latest earthquake has not been on our news yet. My thoughts are with you and your family. Hugs Sarah.

by fannyfurkin 11 Apr 2011

Yoriko, I have not seen any of this on the news. I will definitely pray for your family. Don't forget I am here if you need to talk.

by edithfarminer 11 Apr 2011

Yoriko it is just dreadful. Can not begin to inmagine how awful it is for all the poor people affected. We will all pray for them.

by 580406 11 Apr 2011

Our prayers are with you and your family

by jillian 11 Apr 2011

my prayers are with you and your family

by gerryvb 11 Apr 2011

It's so hard to understand and accept this is happening again. you feel so powerless. The only thing we can do is pray, and so we will. Love Gerry

by mranderson 11 Apr 2011

Just heard this on the news. I am not a religious person but you and the people of Japan are in my thoughts. Hope all is well. Love Marg

by sissibrode 11 Apr 2011

Will pray for you, your family and all Japanese people Yoriko !
hugs and love

by almag 11 Apr 2011

Yoriko - you and your family will be in my prayers tonight and I do hope that they will remain safe.
If you do get through to your sons please let us know and send us an update.
Much love - AlmaG