Now, this is my style! The bag is just great1 as well as the other items!
I love your use of denim! What a neat set! Why is it called a farmer bag? Thanks for sharing!
cool I like the co-ordinating wallet too! & the pholder too!Is it a wallet or does the bag fold up this small? Either or it looks nice!
ooh is this the same bag in different forms of folding. I love this idea and wanted to make some for shopping. Love the way the fold up so neatly but can't remember where the pattern is from?
Thanks for sharing your preety bag.
These are lovely, thanks for showing. I'm sure these are designs from Elsa and they are on sale at present.
these are just lovely and they are so neatly done....
thanks for sharing with the orange flowers on the purse and I am not an orange type person.....
They look wonderful. The designs and colours are so pretty!