Still no answer.....I also emailed *CUTE*, so perhaps we will know soon and the mystery will be cleared up!;)
Ruthie, nothing came from this discussion, did it? HaHa A flower for you.
Well I believe that I was correct in the statement I made, but I won't swear on it until I hear from them IF I hear from them. I'm gonna ask Veronika, too. ;)
Jrob or anyone else for that matter- Would it be possible for the site to automatically be voted for each time you visit the site? There are some sites that I visit on that list that I have not seen a place to vote and their numbers are very high. Hopefully you are our problem solver.
I'm pretty sure you can ONLY vote 1 time per 24 hour period, because the number doesn't change no matter how many times I click on it.
Not sure that would be possible clawton, I think you have to click on something to vote, otherwise if it could work that way, it would vote for every site you went to - even the ones you don't want to vote for! I suspect the other sites have a *vote* button, just that it's a bit obscure. Come to think of it, the *Cute* vote button is a bit obscure, maybe Veronika should put it on the first page, and larger, that's a thought! Hugs and a flower sweetie.
I have written an email to the webmaster at EmbroideryTop and will report exactly when I hear from them.;)
Thanks jrob, I guess I could have done that, but I thought with your vast knowledge, you would have known the answer, you seem to know everything else, haha. I just figured it was no good voting for *Cute* if I was also voting for others too. Hugs and a flower sweetie.
i have gone through the process and gone back later and the numbers have not changed. will be interested in any help on this. Ruthie thanks for asking for we all need the help.
Sheesh! Now I'm totally bamboozled!! but that's not difficult for me. LOL! I usually just click on the link here at cute then shut down the page that opens..... M
That's what I usually do meganne, but then I also enter the site sometimes and click to go elsewhere for a *sticky beak*, which means that either I'm not voting for *Cute* or I'm also voting for others! Hope we get this sorted soon.
<<< more >>> when we vote for *Cute*, do we have to 1) click to enter *embroiderytop* and then click on *Cute* to actually vote, or do we actually vote by 2) clicking on the link on the *Cute* page here? If it’s the first, then if we click on say the *Amazing Embroidery Designs* link in *embroiderytop* to go to their page to have a look see, then we have voted for that site also, and any other sites that we visit from there! I thought the idea of having all the sites there as links, was so that we could click and visit any that interested us. I feel that it’s the second way that votes. Also when you get to where it says *Enter This Site* in *embroiderytop*, if you look at the address line in IE, there is an *id* name, which would indicate that we have voted, as this is different for each site. The reason I’m querying this jrob, is because I’ve been telling everyone to vote the second way, now if I’m wrong, I need to know. So tell me jrob before I tell too many more - please, please, please!! Hugs and flowers for you sweetie, I know all this sounds clear as mud, but hope you can follow it, if not, holler and I’ll try again, haha!!!
That would mean that if we visit other sites from there, we are also voting for them. So if we visit the next one up from *Cute*, we're defeating the purpose of voting for *Cute*. Have I got that right? It's a real conundrum, isn't it!!!
I think that if you visit another site from there you are voting for that site.