by joaniessw 01 Apr 2008

Good news :) My comp is still working good this morn after having to start from sq one again yesterday. Will be very busy re-installing software i.e. BuzzXplore, Ultimate Box etc. PTL :)


by katydid 02 Apr 2008

What a bore. I need to be working on my taxes, plus having 7 ladies over for bridge this evening. Busy day ahead!!!

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 02 Apr 2008

I'm getting it all back tgtr slowly, lost no emb designs, Thank you. I still have to do my taxes. Waiting for one T4 yet. You have fun at ur bridge. *4U

by ruthie 01 Apr 2008

Pleased you're sort of up and running joanie, it's a job and a half getting everything how you like it, isn't it? Hugs and a flower for you sweetie.

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 01 Apr 2008

Thank you. Yes it is. Just spent well over an hr again here after supper. Trying out Shaw Secure 2.0. it's a Royal Pain in the... well, you get the drift LOL. Taking away precious embroidery time. I always appreciate your hugs. Hugs and a flower back at you.

by shirlener88 01 Apr 2008

Joanie, that is alot of work - glad that you could recover and get back - even though it is work - I hope you didn't loose the most important thing - your designs. *4U

joaniessw by joaniessw 01 Apr 2008

Thank you shirlene. I was able to rescue my designs, most pics, files etc... lost some music and most shows (ie quilting/ sewing/painting) that I had saved. Oh well. It's gr8 2b here. *4U2

shirlener88 by shirlener88 02 Apr 2008

Oh good - I was worried for you.

by dlonnahawkins 01 Apr 2008

Glad you got back up, and everything is ok. - Please see my response to you regarding the SueBox Bowl.

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 01 Apr 2008

Thank you, me too. I'm happy to be back up :D. Sweet, thank you for that also. *4U