by minijan47 20 Apr 2011

calling 911 don't do what I just caught by the needle of my sewing machine had to go get it taken out by the local fire department be careful just happened so fast


by ermaplatt 22 Apr 2011

Just be careful and dont thump it on anything.=0)

by marietta 22 Apr 2011

Ooops, I have got a lot of sympathy with you, this happend to me about two years ago, and I know how sore it was. Hugs and God bless. Hope you mend soon. Marietta

by ramona 22 Apr 2011

Sorry this happened to you. I imagine it's sore today. Hope it heals soon.

by bikermomfl 21 Apr 2011

I know for a fact that hurt! My friend was using my longarm and asked if the bobbin was in, I went to check at the same time she hit the 'start' button. OWWWWWW, lighting fast stitch, That thing was sore for a week. I've been lucky with my sewing I use a stiletto for all types of assisting when sewing,(so says the great Eleanor Burns) so have spared my fingers. Be careful and maybe try a stiletto, can't live without mine now that I'm used to it!

by theduchess 21 Apr 2011

Goodness.I'm glad to hear you could call 911 for help.I'm always so afraid of doing just that.Stella

by kalinelson 21 Apr 2011

Wow!!!that's go to hurt big time....a friend of mine just did this....years ago I had a hand sewing needle in between my teeth and accidentally bit down broke it in half and had to gag it up....I've never forgotten and I try to be more careful now.

by blueeyedblonde 21 Apr 2011

Hope I never have that happen again - did that when I first started sewing (I was about 5-6yrs. old).
Hope your finger heals fast!

by dlonnahawkins 21 Apr 2011

Oohh - I'be been there, but tried to get my husband in to help me. The needle went through my nail, broke, and then back up and down again into my finger - By the time I got the machine stopped I thought I was going to pass out. I called and called for my husband to come pull the broken needle out of my nail and finger. He was way on the other side of the property - by the tine he came in I was pretty mad at him, but braved it up and pulled both out of my finger. It took a while to heal - now I really try to watch what I am doing. I hope your finger heals quickly.

by sdrise 21 Apr 2011

OHhhhhh I did that. The needle went through my nail to the other side so quickly. I had to go get a tetnus shot.Was sore for a while. Hope you feel better soon. OUCH!! Suzanne

by bevgrift 21 Apr 2011

Very sorry for this fright!
Hope all take heed of your warning and review all the safty "RULES".
Use the Pause button and the light shows red, then still only clip threads that are clear away from the needle.
Please take good care of the wound as I knew of a lady that had to have the whole finger removed due to the infection from a needle wound.
From Bev

by celia50 21 Apr 2011

I've had one in my foot - so deep that the doctor did not believe it was there until the x-ray revealed the needle. Had to have an op to remove it! The irony was that we had just moved into the house so the needle did not even belong to me!

by castelyn 21 Apr 2011

Ouch, I just got cold shivers reading this post. Hope it heals fast. Hugs Yvonne

by airyfairy 21 Apr 2011

Ouch, ouch, ouch - my tummy is still turning after reading all of these comments. Hope you will be better soon. A lesson for us all.

by momabear 21 Apr 2011

I know how much that hurt, I did get the neddle into my finger in my teens. momma pulled it out for me. Also be careful when cutting cloth with the cloth cutter blade. I cut off part of the finger . now my finger look a little strange. So ladys please be careful.

by lindalee757 20 Apr 2011

wow-911? so sorry you stitched your finger-been there, done that-but I guess it wasn't as severe-natural reaction when something happens-pull away-not a wise move sometimes-I ended up pulling off a good size chunk of skin-which of course means alot of pain and bleeding. But the project must go on-- peroxide, pressure, neosporin, bandades and back to it.
Hope you heal fast and don't get caught again.
Boy,what us stitchers don't endure for our love of sewing-all in the line of duty LOL ~linda~

by bevintex 20 Apr 2011

Lets see, needle in the mouth, needle in the finger. I think next someone will have a needle in the foot. Hope it's not me because there is a loose one floating around somewhere in my sewing area

by katydid 20 Apr 2011

So sorry, hope you are better. I have bragged that I have never done this , now I am afraid to even comment. Maybe I will be next!!!

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lindalee757 by lindalee757 20 Apr 2011

LOL-never say never katy-as soon as you say I never.... oops! I am still picturing the darned needle in the throat that wishfulthinking had happen-makes me stop everytime I start to hold a needle of straight pin between my teeth or lips now-old bad habit to try to break after doing it for 40+ yrs.

by leenova54 20 Apr 2011

I'm with Shirlene, getting a bit sick to my stomach thinking about this one. Yuck...........

by devon 20 Apr 2011

Hope you are feeling better now.

by capoodle 20 Apr 2011

I would be to embarrassed to call 911. When I put the needle through my fingernail I unattached the needle from the holder and headed to the kitchen for a pair of Pliers. It hurt for a couple days and took about three months to grow the nail out. If you hold it above your heart it helps with the thumping. Gee we have had a cutie with a needle stuck in her mouth and now your finger. We might need to start posting safety tips.

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sewmom by sewmom 20 Apr 2011

Just glad I wear glasses!

by sboo 20 Apr 2011

Hope your finger heals quickly. Glad I'm not the only one that has done this. Shirley

by rwalden 20 Apr 2011

Ouch! So sorry this happened to you. Hope your finger heals quickly.

by mi30kaja 20 Apr 2011

They say that you can't call yourself a qualified sewer until you have put the needle through your finger. Congratulations and welcome to the "Put needle through finger group". Lyn

bevintex by bevintex 20 Apr 2011

Lyn are you a member of this club?

noah by noah 20 Apr 2011

yep Lyn i have done this twice and still i clip those threads lol carolyn

by shirlener88 20 Apr 2011

My stomach just took a turn when I read this. I am so sorry this happend, but that you did have the ability to call for help and that you got it. I will be praying for a quick healing and you be careful.

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bevintex by bevintex 20 Apr 2011

I got a chill.

by kttyhwk4 20 Apr 2011

So sorry, hope it gets well soon. Were you clipping jump stitches while machine was running? Not a good thing to do but I'm sure we're all guilty. I know this sounds crazy but if you'll soak your finger in spirits of turpentine it will help take the sorness out. Please be more careful. Hugs, Karen

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katydid by katydid 20 Apr 2011

I am guilty of clipping jump stitches with the machine running.