Tote bags,purses, backpacks,sporting equipment/uniforms,book or Kindle & other electronic reader covers,with appropiate design sew onto a stuffed animal for a sick child, I have seen quilts made with firemen & police shields.
My sister has several blazer type jackets that have beautiful crests embroidered on the upper pockets. All of them are stunning. I have been thinking about trying some using the badge instructions and badge backing material I purchased from Madeira so they could be hand sewn on some jackets that I have.
I have a knit shirt that came with a jogging type outfit that has a beautiful crest in the center front with ribbons out to each side.
I think you could put them just about anywhere and they would be great.
Please let us know if you try one and where you decide to put it.
ttt for you. Maybe another Cutie will be able to give suggestions.