RUTHIE - RUTHIE - RUTHIE - we see those two large bouquet of flowers - where are you? I know, a way!
Out socialising with friends, but I'm back now - can't keep me away for long, haha!!! Hugs and flowers sweetie.
Congrats Ruthie again for reaching 2 goals today, Another flower for your Big Bouquet.
Thank you so very much shirlene, I get to *double* celebrate today - milestones in both columns, my thanks to everyone who planted those flowers in my garden, I love you all, have a terrific day celebrating in my honor, haha. I'm off for the day so can't celebrate with you - but, (to coin a phrase) I'll be back, haha. Hugs and flowers everyone.
Yes, we will stand on the roof tops and shout - RUTHIE - RUTHIE - RUTHIE - Hehehe!
Oh, I heard you shouting shirlene, but it's taken this long for my shouts to reach you sweetie, haha!