by teddybear117 28 Apr 2011

She went on her 2nd Easter Egg hunt Sunday. The people in charge of the hunt wanted to put her in with the 4 yr olds. It's no wonder why. I was talking to her mom on the phone and getting all the details about their Easter and she comes over to the phone to say 'Hello' to me...then out of the blue she says to her mom..."Lets go to Grandma's" My daughter explained they couldn't go see Grandma. Her reply was "Oh, then let's go shopping". I think my daughter is going to have her hands full.


by crafter2243 Moderator 03 May 2011

She sounds like a real smart one. You sound like a truly proud grandmother. Isn't technology great now a days? It is so much easier to be able to keep in touch, but nothing is like being together for real. Hope that it will happen more often that you get to see your granddaughter and cuddle.

1 comment
teddybear117 by teddybear117 06 May 2011

Ah,you noticed. Yes, I am a very proud gm. My daughter live several states away but we talk via the telephone almost daily and numerous emails. We had less contact when she lived in California. The newest thing my gd wants to buy is 'potty train'. Her mom is trying to potty train her. She just can't get that down yet. Her mom told her she needs to be potty trained so she can go to pre school where she will have friends like her big brothers do. That's when she wanted to go 'buy potty train'. Anything with the word 'need'. We need milk, so they go buy it, they need bread, so they go buy it, and she 'needs' to be potty trained so naturally she thinks she needs to go buy it. Children, you gotta love them.

by teddybear117 01 May 2011

Thanks to everyone for your comments. She is a card to say the least. I have never heard a 2 1/2 yr old talk as clear as she does. I was floored when she was singing 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star'. But then she started counting in Spanish. She can count to 10 in both English and Spanish. I truly feel lucky to always be getting pics of the gc. And weekly updates. I thought my own children were bright. My son was put in a special program as he was growing up and my daughter was just as bright but in a different way. I think she is so bright because she has much older brothers. 13,17 and 21. We joke about her size as God's way of protecting her from the boys. She is special in many ways. I believe it was in Iowa that a woman died giving birth and was brought back. My daughter went through something similar. They lost both her and the baby twice during delivery. My daughter had cervical cancer several years ago and the scarring caused problems in delivery. I was so worried there would be a problem because the problems during delivery. Just her being 38 inches tall and wearing a 5T or 6.

by kalinelson 30 Apr 2011

She will be fun to hear about as she grows.

by noah 29 Apr 2011

maybe an up comming doctor or teacher lol carolyn

by shirlener88 29 Apr 2011

So happy for you that you have a daughter that allows her to do so much and has given her enough to be older than her age - she is modeling what she has learned and has seen. So you really must have done a great job in teaching her, your grand daughter is reaping the benefits of that. What a great story.

1 comment
teddybear117 by teddybear117 01 May 2011

I did a lot for my own children as they grew up. I volunteered at their schools, I was a cub scout den leader for 13 young men and my daughter saw all this and she was a part of it. She was always told there was nothing she couldn't do if she only would only try.

by jrob Moderator 29 Apr 2011

How precious!

by 02kar Moderator 29 Apr 2011

A future model? It is so hard to watch a little one growing up without being near them, isn't it?

by capoodle 28 Apr 2011

Your right about her mom having her hands full. She will have to keep a few steps ahead at all times. lol

by devon 28 Apr 2011

That is so sweet. They really grow up fast any more.