I do believe I said congrats b4, but we can never have too many congrats, or too many flowers now can we ;) So, *'s for everyone
gerryvb, thanks for bringing this to our attention. jrob and ruthie has hit the pay load.
jrob, CONGRATULATIONS, HAVE YOU HIT GOLD YET? Flowers to a wonderful, helpful person.
ruthie,my smile buddy, CONGRATULATIONS! if jrob hit gold I guess you hit SILVER!
jrob, Congrats on reaching 6000,Congrats Ruthie on reaching 5000, And Clawton Congrats on reaching 3000 ( three at once. ) You all deserve every flower you are soooo helpful and a GOOD friends
( jrob & neighbor )
Well thank you and thanks to all of my friends. I hope that I help you guys half as much as you help me. Congratulations to all of the others that went "over" a round number. It seemed to be alot at once. Thanks gerry for the post! hugs to all!;)
Thank you very much gerry, and congrats to all the others who achieved milestones today. It was quite a day - so many people to congratulate, I love having you all here, and thanks for sharing the friendship, love, hugs and flowers that get liberally scattered around this beautiful site. Enjoy your day everyone, hugs and flowers to you all.
ruthie, one more time- Congratulations! Lots of flowers my make me smile friend.