by oldtimer992005 03 May 2011

so light in color.this is very frustrating.beacause of this i have deleted some designs by accident. please help.thank you so much. stella


by jrob Moderator 03 May 2011

I do the same as Carolyn, change the thread color to a darker color so that it shows up, or change the back ground to a dark color so that the light thread color shows up.;)

by clawton 03 May 2011

If you have the ability to change colors just change the color to a darker one and save it that way. I have 4D Extra and that's what I do.

by deirdre 03 May 2011

What program are you using to view your designs?

by greysewist Moderator 03 May 2011

That might depend on what program you are viewing them in? In my Janome software, I can change the colour of background that designs are shown against.

by rmj8939 03 May 2011

very good question. waiting to see the answer as I am frustrated also.

by airyfairy 03 May 2011

I also have a program that I can change the colours. I am sure that someone will help you with more information.

by crafter2243 Moderator 03 May 2011

I am not much help. I am using a program "Designer Gallery" which allows me to change the color. White for instance is impossible to see. Hope someone comes along and gives you more info.

by kttyhwk4 03 May 2011

good question....ttt