Ctrl+shift+exit will bring up the task manager
Then you can end task.(for all windows versions)
Hope this helps
Thanks I didn't know that. I haven't had a windows in so long, one forgets.
If your product is from microsoft here is a list of shortcuts.
Thanx for the list!!! Appreciate it. Know most of them, but a few I didn't know. Hugs, Judy
Thanks, a lot of the windows shortcuts are similar to the Apple ones, but yesterday while using Windows 7 on my Mac, I had opened a design, and it was too large for the hoop. Anything I tried to do would practically take forever, so I wanted to quit the program.
The Mac comes with an easy way to Quit or Force Quit the application. I was afraid to try the Alt+Crtl+Del that I used to use with the old Windows. I didn't know if it would shut the whole system down or not.
Thanks for the list, I will go and check it out. :)