well at least i wont be getting up and going to work in the dark hopefully and i think i heard them say on the news that they were going to start it 3 weeks earlier this year and finish 2 weeks later like they did this yr anyone else hear that?
oh and thanx for remining us ruthie :)
I heard that they are extending it, suits me fine. Good to hear you won't be going to work in the dark, I would hate that. My pleasure to remind you, can't have you arriving at work 1-hour early, can we, haha!!! Hugs and a flower for you sweetie.
South Aussies finish tonight Doesn't mean an extra hour to me It tas\kes me a few weeks for the body clock to reset so I will be up an hour earlier and just as well as have 5 grandkids here for the weekend and they get up at 6 am doesn't matter what time they go to bed
Raels, I've given you an extra flower, having to be up at 6am on a Sunday to look after the GK's!!! Hugs and flowers sweetie. I don't have a problem with time, my body clock obviously resets automatically, I never notice any change.
No daylight saving here in sunny Queensland. lol
msadventure, you'll just have to *steal* an extra hour from somewhere then, but then you didn't lose an hour at the beginning of day-light saving, did you. Hugs and a flower for you sweetie.
Ruthie, WA finished last week. Hooray. *4u
You had your extra hour last week-end then, hope you spent it at *Cute*! Hugs and a flower sweetie.