by klomond 08 May 2011

I have been trying to download a set of designs but I keep getting a time out error message, is there a problem with the site today, it is usually slow but never had a timed out error before.


by mysugarfootswife 08 May 2011

How do you connect to the net? I have a USB broadband thing. I've had it happen several times. I find that if I close my browser, sign off the internet and unplug the USB thing then start all over again it goes back to normal.

I would thing that just closing the browser if you're on a DSL or cable then starting over would help. Can't hurt.

by justonlyme 08 May 2011

I notice that the site is slower on the weekends and significant days. Since today is Mother's Day, there are probably a lot of extra users out there. Good luck with your download.