by bikermomfl 06 Apr 2008

ok ladies not sure if I'm having a really dumb day or what the heck is going on everytime I try to do my freehanded quilting my needle snaps! So far I've been thru 6 needles!


by ruthie 06 Apr 2008

You've got some good advice bikermom, and it sounds like an acute case of *more haste, less speed*, haha, slow down and enjoy sweetie, hugs and a flower for you.

ruthie by ruthie 06 Apr 2008

For those of you that don't understand *more haste, less speed* - it's an old English saying that means - *The faster you try to do something, the more likely you are to make mistakes that make you take longer than it would had you planned it* - so now you all know, haha!!!

mops by mops 07 Apr 2008

In Dutch we have a saying "haastige spoed is zelden goed" which translates - literally and thus clumsily - into "hasty speed is seldom good". Haste seems to have been a common problem.

by nglover1 06 Apr 2008

bikermon, We all have those days . Sounds like you got good advice from everyone And as Cindy says Slow down . We all have the idea that faster is better but if you try it a little slower it will probally work better. A flower for you.

by anna25775 06 Apr 2008

I agree with cindy,slow and steady does it better sweetie :) also remember that the teeth of the machine should be put down for better results. flower for you

by azap 06 Apr 2008

I also meant to add that if you find it more comfortable using a type of curved needle they are sold for doll making and come in all different sizes but to achieve even stitches would be difficult without the use of tigertape. I had to but my mom tiger tape too because she has trouble with even stitches.

by azap 06 Apr 2008

I'm assuming by you saying "free handed" you mean by hand and not by machine. If so then you may be trying to press the needle down into the fabric using your first finger (my mom use to do this). This would cause the needle to snap. This type of pressure is unnecessary. Just glide it trough using your thumb and first finger and push through the layers using your 2nd finger. I hated thimbles until I found this one - the "Nimble Thimble" (its soft leather with a metal tip and soooo comfortable). I bought an extra in case I misplaced one and bought my mom a couple. Good Luck and have fun!

by kttyhwk4 06 Apr 2008

Think you've already gotten your answer. So slow down and enjoy what you're doing. A flower 4 you.

by joaniessw 06 Apr 2008

Thanks Cindy. I couldn't have answered any better. *'s4 both

by cindy12 06 Apr 2008

Hi Bikermomfl! I used to have the same problem with my sewing machine that did freehanded darning. Think about the needle in and out of the fabric really fast. Slow down and don't try to move the fabric fast or forcefully. If you sew fast and try to move the fabric too fast, the needle could be in the fabric at that exact second. Hope I made sence, lol. Same thing applied to my machine when I tried to use double needles. Slow and steady is the trick!
A lovely flower for you! Cindy

bikermomfl by bikermomfl 06 Apr 2008

thanks I'll try that, maybe I'm just in a hurry today. thanks again ,flower for your help

ruthie by ruthie 07 Apr 2008

Cindy, welcome to our *Cute* family, stay long and enjoy!