by shirlener88 13 May 2011

CUTE family - I am stitching up some roses and I would like to know - what is your favorite thread color for an embroidered ROSE? If you have more than one - let me know, please.


by marcellelewis 25 May 2011

I will try the link again in a little different way. If all else fails go to the Madsen Originals website and search on rose. The Roses in the Mirror link will come up for you to open.


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shirlener88 by shirlener88 25 May 2011

this worked - thanks so much - what a lovely set - out of my budget.

by marcellelewis 25 May 2011

It was a set called 'Roses In the Mirror' from Madsen Originals. She came over with the magazine for me to help her order it. She doesn't do very well with buying and downloading on line so I help her with it. It was a magazine that I do not receive but I think it may have been Designs in Machine Embroidery. The set was featured in an article in the magazine.

She made a white blouse and put the small rose designs on each side of the collar. On the top of the back part of the blouse she used the large rose design inside the frame. She used white organza just like the picture shows on the website. She called me this afternoon and said she has it almost finished and will bring it over when it is completed. It is an unusual set of designs. Here is a link for the set.

Yes, it is nice to have a neighbor that shares my interests. She just got a new BabyLock serger that threads itself for her birthday. I am envious. We also share a close birthday. Mine is May 26 and hers is May 28. Our mother's had the same first name too. How odd is all that. She has a fantastic sewing room that is huge.


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shirlener88 by shirlener88 25 May 2011

Marcelle, thank you for the info - the link didn't work, however.

Both my mother and Rick's (my DH) mother have the same first name and almost the same middle name. Hehehe! Mine was Loretta Jean and his was Loretta Jane - all the same letters.

by grandmamek 15 May 2011

I love them all. Especially the yellow or the peachy coral ones. I will share something that happened to me. I bought a yellow climbing rose that was yellow. The first two years it bloomed yellow. Then last year it was a pale pink. It now has blossoms on it and I am anxious to see what it does this year. I did not know they changed colors like that. Hugs, Mary

shirlener88 by shirlener88 15 May 2011

Mary, I had never heard that roses did that either - please let us know - what happens this year.

4lghoward by 4lghoward 19 May 2011

petals sometimes change colors with the age of the bloom. However if you cut it back each year the "Hybrid" rose could have reverted to its origional wild stage. Either way they are pretty.

shazells by shazells 25 May 2011

I once grew rosesfrom cuttings taking 2 pieces from each different colour I was amazed when I ended up with 63 Pink rose bushes and 3 white every one reverted back to its original root stock

by oaro 15 May 2011

My favorite color is yellow the most and pink.Thank you for asking. What favorite colors is your or if your ????????? Maria

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 15 May 2011

Thanks Maria - mine is peach

by marcellelewis 15 May 2011

My neighbor just finished the roses set that was featured in a magazine this month inside an applique frame and on the collar. She used a medium yellow for the roses and the outlines were a peachy pink. I was impressed at how beautiful the colors were. I am going to try some that color.


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shirlener88 by shirlener88 15 May 2011

Marcelle, you have an embroidery neighbor - how wonderful is that? Please share your finished project with us and let us know who the designer is - we all don't get every magazine - so may not know which set you are speaking of - I know I don't. It sounds so lovely.

by designgirl 15 May 2011

Good morning, Shirlene. My favourite rose is yellow. Hope you and Rick are have a great Sunday. It is raining here and very chilly. No flood though, I feel sorry for the people in the southern states and in Manitoba Canada. We can handle a couple of days of rain. Take care, Hugs Lynn

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 15 May 2011

Lyn, thank you - yellow is so pretty.

by cathiejones 15 May 2011

When I choice some new roses, I choice by their smell and their shape more than their color.
But If I look at the color, I choice pink roses.
Love Cathie

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 15 May 2011

Cathie, if there were only way to make our thread smell like a rose, too - wouldn't that be heaven?

by claudenicolas 15 May 2011

Dear Shirlene, my favorite roses in my garden are the red ones, dark and deep red,with a great scent. But, when I make embroidery I find only many different shade of colours thread in the pink. I have found not enough different threads in red, a little better in yellow. And you Shirlene what do you do?

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 15 May 2011

Claude, your roses sound wonderful - I hope I can make many different shades for mine, too. I actually love peach for a rose.

by almag 14 May 2011

Hi Shirlene - I like to use a range of 3 or 5 threads in the same tone for roses, deep centres, pale outer petals to dark edges. Mostly I use pinks ranging to burgundy, lavender-mauves/purple, yellow-golds/copper. Just about anything goes.
It also depends on what colour fabric I'm embroidering and for what reason.
I like to really make a crazy statement with roses and their colours. I think God would approve because He does the same thing.


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shirlener88 by shirlener88 15 May 2011

Alma, what a lovely visual you have created - if only there were a way to always have several colors in our digitized roses. And I do believe that God would approve.

by nini 14 May 2011

Here they are... You can see I've several colours, all lovely!....

shirlener88 by shirlener88 15 May 2011

Nini, is this YOUR rose garden - how lovely.

nini by nini 15 May 2011

Thanks Shirlene, Yes it is my country rose garden. It keeps me very busy!!!....But it is very rewarding, too. Their parfum and colours make my life more beautiful!

nini by nini 15 May 2011

Forgive me for late answers but sometimes Cute is so slow that I do not suceed replying sooner. Hugs

dilceia by dilceia 25 May 2011

Nini, que maravilha! Seu jardim é tão bonito quanto você. beijos no seu coração perfumado.

by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Thank you one and all - I loved this post - I hope you enjoyed it, too. You are each as lovely as each rose that you described to me. Unconditional Love, Shirlene

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 15 May 2011


by nini 14 May 2011

I love almost all kind of roses. I love especially dark red roses, almost black, that look like velvet. But I like these too, white with red edges.Hugs! Nini

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Nini, almost black? These are very pretty are they in your garden?

nini by nini 14 May 2011

Yes, indeed, almost black. I'll try to get a picture of one for you to see. These are in my garden. I'll show you....

pennifold by pennifold 15 May 2011

This looks like Double Delight - if it is it has the most amazing perfume!!!! It's delightful Love Chris

snowbird42 by snowbird42 15 May 2011

yes chris it is a double delight i have one in my garden and the perfume is amazing...soozie

nini by nini 15 May 2011

Yes, it is!!! Glad you have them too!

by missqueenbee47 14 May 2011

I like shades of yellow.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Very nice indeed.

by lani02 14 May 2011

reds, yellows, lavendars all are beautiful, hard to choose a favorite.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

lani, these are all lovely colors and it is very hard to choose a favorite.

by blueeyedblonde 14 May 2011

I say a peachy color or orangy and then I see one in another color and ohhhh so pretty - it's very easy to change what is your favorite when there are so many varied colors and one just as beautiful as the next - but red at the bottom of my list.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

I like the peachy tones, too. roses are so lovely in all colors to me.

by chenille 14 May 2011

I love the deep,dark red and my DH used to grow one that was called Stirling and it was a lavender blue,it had the most wonderful scent, so that would be second tied with white...I love white roses.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Nadyne, these are all very lovely colors and I would love to smell that Stirling.

by castelyn 14 May 2011

Hi Shirley, I love white roses.For embroidery I would go for white and pink mixed. Hugs Yvonne

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Yvonne, hmmmmm - can you digitize me a FSL like that?

by noah 14 May 2011

black is my first choice and yellow is my second!!carolyn

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Carolyn, is there a black rose? Yellow is nice.

chenille by chenille 14 May 2011

Black is lovely! We used to grow a lot of roses in Victoria( my DH had over 100 bushes) and there was a red one that was so dark it was almost black. Gorgeous!

by devon 14 May 2011

I like all colors But if I had to pick one it would be yellow.

There’s nothing secret about the red rose’s symbolism of love. Valentine’s Day would hardly exist without this bold and dramatic bloom. The ultimate symbol of romantic love and enduring passion, the red rose also conveys respect and the creative spirit of love. Representing true love stronger than thorns, the red rose is known universally as the lover’s rose.
Shop for red roses

Representing, humility, purity and innocence, the white rose - often referred to as the bridal rose - is associated with young love. In Scotland, when the white rose bloomed in autumn, it was seen as a token of early marriage. Also symbolizing truth and reverence, it sends a message of loyalty and says "I am worthy of you."
Shop for white roses

While in Victorian times, the yellow rose symbolized jealousy, today it represents friendship, joy and caring. A bouquet of these sun-filled blossoms conveys warmth, gladness and affection.
Shop for yellow roses

Symbolizing gentility, femininity, elegance and refinement, the pink rose also carries additional meanings depending on its hue. A deep pink conveys gratitude and appreciation, while pale shades connote grace and gentleness, admiration and happiness.
Shop for pink roses

With their warm, vibrant tones, orange roses symbolize enthusiasm and desire. If you’re looking for a way to express admiration and attraction - with an underlying message of passion and excitement - then send a bouquet filled with these fiery blooms.
Shop for orange roses

lilac & purple
Thought to be almost mystical in nature, with symbolism tied to enchantment, desire and even proceeding cautiously, it’s not surprising that lilac and purple roses send a message of love at first sight, A great Valentine flower.
Shop for lilac and purple roses

multi-colored roses
In some instances - usually when mixing red with another color rose - you can send additional messages with your choice of bouquet. For example, a combination of red and yellow roses conveys gaiety and happiness, while a mix of red and white roses symbolizes unity.

mooie24 by mooie24 14 May 2011

WOW fabulous list thank you for sharing :-)
Big hugs from London
Maria xx

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

DeVon, thanks dear - I do appreciate the color list, too.

by dilceia 14 May 2011

Red is my favourite colour.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

OK, I see.

by clawton 14 May 2011

Yellow and red. Yellow for friendship and red for Love.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Carolyn, I was sure of the yellow and glad to know you also like red.

by lenamae 14 May 2011

my favorite are yellow ,red and bright pink.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Lenamae, thank you - makes a pretty bouquet.

by mysugarfootswife 14 May 2011

Yellow or peach.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Very nice dear.

by lbrow 14 May 2011

A very pale yellow, almost cream with pink edges would be my pick shirlene, My roses are allready bloomed & the storm & rains have caused all the petals to fall so have no good picture./Lillian

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Mil Lil, those are so lovely - too bad about the storm ruining your roses. Perhaps if you cut the rose hips - you will get more soon.

by undergroundsue 14 May 2011

Roses are special in my family , my grandmother loved yellow roses, my mother loved pink wild roses, my dad transplanted some from the woods to our backyard as a surprise gift for her. Me, my favorite is called feista, it starts out dark pink and as it opens up it turns yellow with pink edges, so i get both pink and yellow roses in memory of two special ladies in my life.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Sue, thank you for you for your memories, what a wonderful thing to do to honor them.

by gerryvb 14 May 2011

I realy love the color like the one on Jacquelines picture!so delicate!

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Gerry, peace rose it is then.

by jacquipaul 14 May 2011

When I was a child, my Mom had a Peace rose bush; it's a yellow rose with peachy pink edges. Our 'job' was to pick off the Japanese beetles, during the summer months, to keep the blossoms from being devoured.

gerryvb by gerryvb 14 May 2011

gorgeous color , love it!

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Thank you Jacqueline, this is such a lovely picture, too.

jacquipaul by jacquipaul 14 May 2011

Thank the professional rose breeders for the photo; sorry, but I din't take it. These are gorgeous roses, but I guess it would be difficult to do in FSL. If anyone can do this, it would be YOU!

by fannyfurkin 14 May 2011

my yellow rose.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

very nice rose Alice.

by meganne 14 May 2011

Pauline has already answered for me, deep Red Velvet, and gorgeous yellow roses, I haven't seen a rose I haven't liked but they must SMELL like a rose to really win me over. Hugs n roses, Meganne

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 14 May 2011

So true Meg, those hybrids that don't smell like anything really don't cut it.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Meg, thanks - was sure you would love roses, too.

by reanav 14 May 2011

le rose arancio, che partono rosse...e fioriscono in giallo

jacquipaul by jacquipaul 14 May 2011


shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

reanav, this is a lovely rose - thank you for sharing it.

by mi30kaja 14 May 2011

There are some beautiful roses around and one that I loved is Mr Lincoln Deep Red.
Another is Just Joey which is a peachy colour, but love most of them.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Lyn, thank you dear - never heard of the Just Joey - I love peachy roses, too.

by mooie24 14 May 2011

My favourite is White
I just think the white and green of then stems and leaves together is stunning :-)
Big hugs from London
Maria xx

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Maria, I like white roses, too.

by read180 14 May 2011

I love all rose colors but, I carried on my wedding day coral roses, (some call them salmon) and they are beautiful. I am also very partial to the red rose. When I first started dating my husband he brought me 1 red rose each date until I had 12 long stemmed roses. That was 12 days in a row.
Cindy B

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Cindy, I would love to see a picture of your wedding and your bouquet. Your dear husband is a true romantic.

by camylow 14 May 2011

I love roses of all kinds ...deep golden yellow to midnight colors..I especially like the varigated varieties... yellow with red streakes running through them and thewhite with red streakes....

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Yes, Deanna, those sound lovely - now to get someone to digitize them - so that they look that way.

by nonna57 14 May 2011

Shirlene Yellow for friendship is my most favourite. Then i love the deep velvet red for love. Combined together what more could a girl ask for :)

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Pauline, so lovely - thanks for the visual, too.

by stitchship 14 May 2011

There are so many shades between pink and red, some are just so beautiful!

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Oh yes, they are.

by spendlove Moderator 14 May 2011

Any colour that looks real!

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Sue, that is just what I am trying to achieve - that is why I asked - Hehehe!

by bevgrift 14 May 2011

Roses are my favorites:
I have collected some pretty colours esp for roses.
I have 3 diff shades of pink, and 3 shades of blue and so on.. Then to stitch them out I study the design to see what the digitizer did with her shading and then go according to where the darker shades are to be. I can then change the same rose design into different colour schemes I like.
From Bev
Ps pics of my quilt in progress all the flowers are done similar for this quilt

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Bev, super job here - thanks.

by juanitadenney 14 May 2011

I can't give you a favorite color because when it comes to roses which are my favorite flower I like red, pink and yellow but I guess deep red would have to be my pick.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Juanita, you told me what you like and that is what I wanted - thanks dear.

by fannyfurkin 14 May 2011

Normally red is my favourite colour but today I like yellow.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Alice - I would have guess red for you - I like the idea that you like yellow today.

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 14 May 2011

Well Shirlene if someone accused me of being fickle I would not argue, but I think it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind, so for today I like yellow. hehehehe.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Good for you.

by cclark 14 May 2011

I think the Peace rose is beautiful. It is a deep yellow with coral edges.

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Oh yes, - this is hard to achieve - unless the digitizer makes it special, but I will see what I can do.

by gerryb 14 May 2011

That deep coral that smells so wonderful!!!!!!

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Yes, I agree - my Mother used to have these in our garden when I was small.

by cyberangel 14 May 2011

Yellow is my favorite, thanks for asking

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Always a special rose.

getEdited - SELECT
by lerman 14 May 2011

The pale pale pinkwhite of the wild rose on the old grey mountain outside my window but the yellow-peach-pink kind on my breakfast table. Lovely question by the way ;-D Peggy

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Peggy, what a lovely visual - thank you very much, I appreciate it.

by sewalaskan 14 May 2011

Peachy color is my favorite

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Mine, too.

by quilter124 14 May 2011

Shirlene, I use to raise roses and I had a rose that was red inside the petal and white/silver on the outer side and it was to die for......too bad the soil where I live now will not grow roses like that.....
but that would be hard to pull off in an embroidery rose but knowing could figure it out....
I also like yellow roses.....what is your favorite?

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Dianne, that sounds lovely - do you have a picture? I would love to see it. Sometimes it depends on the design, too.

I like all roses: peach the most - red, yellow, pink, white, light lavender and the variegated ones are special, too.

getEdited - SELECT
by pennifold 14 May 2011

Personally I love all Yellow roses, but I do have a soft spot for the Applause rose (1) and the Blue moon rose(2). I love any of the blue/purple roses that are being bred. Love and blessings Chris

loosie by loosie 14 May 2011

ooooo pretty, simular to the one we saw today.

snowbird42 by snowbird42 14 May 2011

Chris are these your roses they are spectacular............soozie

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Chris, thank you so much - I will have to look up the Applause and Blue Moon Rose - online - these two picture are lovely - I did stitch one out - in this bottom color just earlier and I will try to find a match for the top one tomorrow.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

How silly of me - you have shown the picture of them - Hehehe!

gerryvb by gerryvb 14 May 2011

wow gorgeous roses!!

chenille by chenille 14 May 2011

I love these too Chris.We used to grow Stirling and Blue Nun,a lot like these. The Stirling had the most gorgeous fragrance though.
Hugs, Nadyne

by bevintex 13 May 2011

Shirlene, what is your favorite?

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

No fair - I asked first!

You can see on some of the others - I answered it already - Hehehe!

by loosie 13 May 2011

We were at a gardern center and saw a blueish violet rose, it was very different and my daughters liked alot, can't remember the name tho, I like yellow best myself. Good luck!

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

loosie, how fun to go looking with your daughters - that color sounds lovely and I always like the yellow, too.

by katydid 13 May 2011

I am not a pastel person, so I tent to love vivid shades. I think my sorority rose was the jacoment rose. what ever that was. I have been working on a Mary Kay cosmetics rose for a customer which is a pink rose. What do you have in mind?

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

I am making up some FSL roses and I wanted to get favorite colors - from the CUTE family. I couldn't find anything on the jacoment rose - do you have a picture?

katydid by katydid 14 May 2011

I spelled it wrong. It is Jacqueminot. I think. Google that and see if it comes up official rose for Alpha Omicron Pi. It is a famous rose. Kay

by shuede 13 May 2011

It's hard for me to imagine a rose color I wouldn't like. However, certain designs may look better in one color over another!

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

I am the same way - actually Denise, that is why I was asking the question - to get some help. these are FSL with no leaves.

shuede by shuede 14 May 2011

If this is for your lace business, I think it would be a nice touch to include a small comment about the meaning of the color of the rose printed on a small tag (as suggested by Devon above). If people buy them as a gift, it may have added meaning.

by snowbird42 13 May 2011

I love the dark red as in "Mr Linclon" love to see them when they are finished....soozie

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

soozie, thank you dear - I will of coarse share them in the PROJECTS.

by mranderson 13 May 2011

Red or Yellow are my favourite coloured roses. But then and colour rose is beautiful. Marg

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Marg, I tend to agree - there any color is beautiful.

by obaachan 13 May 2011

Red and dark purple....

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Jo, thank you very much.

by stork 13 May 2011

Oh Shirlene...I just love true pink and also yellow roses. I was at Lowe's this week and I literally had to stop and smell the roses.LOL They were breathtakingly beautiful and smelled just as nice!

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Tanya, thank you - I am thrilled to know - that you did stop and smell the roses - they are a breath of heaven - aren't they?

stork by stork 14 May 2011

Totally intoxicating!!!

by bevintex 13 May 2011

i like red or pink

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shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 May 2011

Thanks Bev, I see you did answer me - Hehehe! I would have also thought yellow - with you coming from Texas.