Sonje, letvia and I have decided that it's not your birthday, she just read the list wrong, but hey, any excuse for a celebration, so happy birthday for whenever it is, haha!!!
Happy Birthday sonjes, hope it's a really terrific one for you, hugs and flowers sweetie.
Letvia, you must have a different list to me, I don't have sonje's birthday on mine list either. Please let me know what list you are using, thanks. Hugs and a flower sweetie.
Don't tell me I am wrong jijiji, if I am sorry. I get them birthdays from raels list. Let me check again
Letvia, I've had a look at the list raels did, and what I think has happened is that she put some names in without birthdays, and you obviously read it to mean surkanna and sonje had their birthdays on the same day as syarg. Easy to do sweetie, definitely don't sweat over it, we'll all still love you sweetie!!!