Thats alright clawton, When i first saw the post thought it was another way, from another country, of saying what we in the USA call Sewing cards.Remember them cute big pictures with holes all around. took yarn or a shoe lace and went in one hole and out the next.Anyway--------Went to site ruthie posted and looked it up.Had my self a good laugh on me HAHA!!Warm hugs and flowers to all
airplane is brand of rayon embroidery thread It come is 480 shades 5000 mtr cones for $8.75aus I want the colour card which has small piece of each shade on it so I can see the exact colour
Thank you. after going to the site that ruthie gave it made sense to me. Just a term I had not hear of.
LOLOL. Like the "Kilroy was here". Will check the site sew I know more.
wow, i am glad that this subject came back, since few days i was looking for this thread everywhere on the internet, thanks, i will stop looking*
Thanks Ruthie. Marji was correct it is a brand of thread. I went to the site Ruthie gave & here is what I got in a nut shell- a very high quality Korean rayon embroidery thread used for high speed embroidery.
Oh, you gals! Here I thought it was the name of a thread company in Australia, and Raelene was asking for a card of sample thread colors. Boy, I really made myself laugh on this one! I do like the idea, Ruthie, of flying somewhere and secretly embroidering the back of the plane seat in front of you--sort of embroidery "Kilroy was here", hee hee hee. All you young'uns, you'll have to look up WWII history for that one. Luvs youse, Marji
I guess I didn't see the original question so something got lost along the way when I read Ruthies response.
clawton, they are for embroidering seat covers for airplanes - only kidding sweetie, haha ROFL!!! There's not much I can tell you, I've never used them, and don't know much about them. You can have a look at the site I posted for raels if you like (see link below). She was the one who wanted them, and as far as I know they are for hand-embroidery. You'll have to wait until raels answers for more info. Sorry I don't know any more than that. Hugs and a flower sweetie.
OK - now I think I now what that is. I have one of the color cards from RA - this was included when I bought several spools of thread from Shopper's Rule. It helps when you are buying thread online, as it is actual samples of thread, and not just a color. Is that right? This site appears to be a card for korean hi-speed commercial machine thread.
I am interested in this too. Had never heard of it.