I have purchased a personalized design that is the mortar and pestel. If you email me, I will happily share this with you. I had it digitized for my local pharmacy and thought I would get some hat orders, didn't get the order, paid for the digitizing and you are welcome to have it.
my address is hopehaswings100@aol.com
I dont know your email address..thank you so much, its sounds like something i can realy use..
OK, ir2008, have fun here. There are:pill packages, syringe packages, medical tools, plus many more freebies on this page: http://www.geothedigitizer.com/fr... I can't wait to see the finished project either. *4U
WOW, that is a great link..all you have to do is change the page number 1-5 to get more designs..that is a good site..
Well, good for you lr, I'm sure he'll be thrilled with whatever you do, sweetie, hugs and a flower for you.
I googled embroidery design + pharmacy and got:
THANK YOU JROB...that is a good one too, i might have to go back to that one if i cant get ahold of bcsurvivor..thank you for taking the time, i put in pharmacy, rx etc and got nothing really..thanks..
Wow, what a neat idea - I can't wait to see the finished project - good luck with the rest of the things. *4U