by susieq2u 22 May 2011

I have been wanting to try some neckline designs to dress up some Tshirts for some time. Has anyone done this type of embroidery? I am curious to learn/figure out the hooping techniques especially. I am trying to visualize it in my mind. If I wanted to recut the neckline, to say increase the scoop, does that happen before or after embroidery? TIA for any suggestions.



by redhotrn65 22 May 2011

Designs magazine had a whole set of necklines with designs and how to cange the necklines all in the hoop. I don't remember how muchit was but I ordered it and looks really easy. I just haven't had enough time to try it out yet.

by ramona 22 May 2011

Hope you get a good answer as I have a few shirts here that I would like to try this on. Maybe information on fill designs as opposed to lace designs?? Thanks for asking the question

by caroldann 22 May 2011

Susie, I have done lots of neckline designs on Thirts, tank tops. I get my designs from emblibrary, they have lots to choose from in different sizes for adults and kids. They also have a tutorial on how to do the necklines. I downloaded the instructions and that is how I do mine. Perfect every time. Takes awhile to get it lined up but worth it. Go check it out and have fun! Carol

by kagen48 22 May 2011

Hi Susie,
I have done some neckline embroidery on t-shirts for my granddaughters. They are easy to do. I got my designs from Emblibrary. I hoop the stabilizer (a cutaway was suggested to me for a knit fabric) and spray it with 505 Spray and Fix. Then I stick the t-shirt neckline on the stabilizer. Use a wss on top so the thread doesn't sink into the fabric. I have not done the ones that you cut the neckline but I would suggests that you sew it where you want the design placed and then cut it out. That would save a lot of problems from the knit rolling or stretching out before you stick it to the stabilizer. I hope that helps. Kathy

ramona by ramona 22 May 2011

I'm not real sure but I think if you are doing a lace neckline you don't cut the fabric until after the design is sewn on. The you cut the fabric away. Maybe another Cutie can confirm.

ramona by ramona 22 May 2011

Just a note, I haven't done one but have a few shirts here I was going to try it on.

by mary51 22 May 2011

I do not know the answer, but i would like to know it.