After you contact them if there is a problem with the design could you please let us know the design number just in case some of us have that design.If it is discontinued it will not be in your previous order list. Thanks, Marg.
what is your design number? they have had several dragonfly designs. I may well have it. Other people might be able to help too, if you list the design number here. From a quick check I have the following dragonfly design numbers: 331576, 331546, 151616, 186966 and may well have more.
did you go to "you account" or whatever they call it there. my color sheets are there with a copy of what i purchased. good luck, betty
Try to contact Debra or somebody else from emblibrary. I'm sure they will help you :o)
Greetings, Bettina
If you put the number of the design in the search box on Emblibrary - you can bring up the color chart and print it out or take notes.
I would check with them before stitching out the design. I purchased a design of a wizard once and stitchrd it out ages later only to be disappointed with it. When I went back to check it out it had been discontinued too. Marg
What does it look like? I have several of their designs but can't place the name, maybe if I knew what it looked like I may have it.