by fannyfurkin 24 May 2011

we have some crazy stuff going on. I even wish I had time to fill you all in about the nutso customer I just had to deal with. but I don't, So I just want you all to know I love you and I am still checking in from time to time.


by gerryvb 24 May 2011

okay, just be here if you can. we know you are a busy bee.hugs G

by noah 24 May 2011

IT is ok Alice we love you and will be seeing you around when time allows :):) carolyn

by 02kar Moderator 24 May 2011

It is Ok as long as you pop in once in a while so we know you are OK. We know you have a lot to do with your business and family. Stay healthy and let us know of any prayers you need.

by anangel 24 May 2011

I know! I know, Alice! You are STILL busy doing the happy dance with your NEW "Brother"! Envious ME!! LOL

by airyfairy 24 May 2011

Good to hear from you Alice. I hope all is well at home. Pleased you are busy. Hugs Sarah.

by sewfrenzie 24 May 2011

Have a fantastic day Alice!!! I have days like this too, lol! We've had rain here to the point the ground is so saturated it percolates like an old coffee maker. I had a chicken get out yesterday and it ran into my newly tilled(before the last rain) garden where I couldn't get at it with a long pole, so I had to go into the garden to chase it out. Its so wet I became to sink with every step, almost lost my shoes! Wish it would quit raining so everything could dry out. This is in MN, so I really feel for those in the south who are dealing with floods.

by lindalee757 24 May 2011

LOL-have a great day Alice-I know what you mean about the "absentee cutie". I haven't been able to do much here either lately-business & family comes first(well...sometimes lol). Now that proms are done here,we are heading in to weddings and summer vacation time,so I am busy with all that-I don't think anyone buys anything that fits these days-which is what makes my line of $$ YAY!. I kinda just pop in to check in on the very latest from regulars-seems like most of them are pretty busy outside of Cute too- Hope to get an hour or 2 break today to do some banking and then possibly planting-if the rain holds off. Hope all is well with you and business. ~linda~