by celticlady1031 09 Apr 2008

I was wondering wha everyone does with their thread scraps. I save some of mine for the birds to make nests. The rest I save to make fabric.


by celticlady1031 09 Apr 2008

I was a fine arts major and learned to make fabric using sheats of plastic wrap, paint, glitter, crayon and thread. Check my profile for email info if you would realy like to know how.

1 comment
marjialexa by marjialexa 09 Apr 2008

Thanks, I'll e-mail. I have lots of scraps, have used them between tulle as Sukiray suggested, would like other ideas, too. Thanks again. Marji

by celticlady1031 09 Apr 2008

Sukiray the threads used for the birds are very, very short ones and cause no problems for the birds. I got this hint from a local bird group and also use bits of string which they also like.

by sukiray 09 Apr 2008

Hi Friends.
PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Don't give your threads to the birds. They get tangled up in it to the point where it cuts their toes.
You can display the threads between two pieces of tule or sheer fabric and use as background material to embroider designs on. Use your imaginations.
Thank you

1 comment
silver by silver 09 Apr 2008

Please NEVER give threads to birds! It is a kind thought but as misguided as feeding earthworms to any baby bird but an American Robin is! Any avian vet, ornithological group or USDA or Audubon certified member of a group will agree. I have been doing bird rescue for many years and have seen many bird injuries due to small threads. Not only can small thread cut through toes and tissue and it can become entangled on nestlings. It will at times get entangled on birds' beaks and they sometimes end up swallowing it. This is usually fatal as it impedes the motility of their crops!

by marjialexa Moderator 09 Apr 2008

Ok, I want to know how to make fabric out of threads, too. Do you have a teeny tiny loom, hee hee hee? Sorry, couldn't resist. I could just see mice working the little heddles for cheese. Seriously, how do you do that? Marji

by dlmds 09 Apr 2008

Celticlady, good idea for the birds. How do you make fabric from your thread scraps?? Hugs and flowers.