by marymoore 10 Apr 2008

no question here just saying hello today was a hard day for me my granny died 4 years ago and i still miss her so much have a good night


by joaniessw 10 Apr 2008

Thank you for coming by to share. my feelings with you. I try to look at things with the perspective that Shirlene says about my nephew who passed away at 6 1/2 due to cancer. That was 13 yrs ago. I do light a candle that day and ph my sis, but we talk more of good times with him. Blessings and flowers dear

by shirlener88 10 Apr 2008

mm, please know that your granny would much rather you remember her life than her death. I know what I am speaking of - my dear sister and her two children were murdered April 10, 1970 and for years my family remembered the day they died. It took us a long while to almost forget that date. Now we celeberate all the days that we had with them and tell all the stories we can think of - keep all the pictures around to remind us and laugh at all the times we had. So much nicer for us. I do understand, please know I am praying for you to be touched by this rather than to be upset. *4U Shirlene

marymoore by marymoore 10 Apr 2008

thank you shirlene i know she is in a better place now i do still celebrate her birthday make a cake and make her favorite dinner beans and cornbread and i do go on and i know she is happy i have a embroidery machine i think she sews through me sometimes lol thank you for your kindness

shirlener88 by shirlener88 10 Apr 2008

mm, I know she lives in you - you have her in your heart - it is hard to mourn and get on with your life - but this you must do - for them as well as for you. Smile and be happy. What a great legacy she has in you.