How beautiful! Being a quilter, I truly understand "labor of love". I tell everyone I give a quilt to, that if anyone ever needs my DNA sample, they have lots of it in their quilt.;)
Oh yes Jerrilyn, many has been the drops of blood I've tried to keep from staining the quilts. Thank you much & are you like me?. I gave that to Grand daughter yesterday & today I'm already trying to figure in my mind how I'm going to do the next quilt & for who./Love ya Lillian
Very, very nice!! Great job and thanks for sharing. Love the label.
I'm kinda proud of the label myself. My grand daughter called me grandma the other day & her Caleb told her "that's G.G. you are suppose to say her name" of course I laughed when his mom said "I've always called her grandma" (the argument went on LOL/Lillian
Sorry the pic isn't better. If you dbl click on the pic it will enlarge it & you can see it better/Lillian
The pinwheel pattern is always pretty, but set on the diagonal gives it the wow-factor! Great work Lilian.