I haven't heard of it but I searched the Yahoo groups and found this.
Created 2 years ago and this is all I can see from the search page.
1. CLIPBOARD! Everyone that loves embroidery and hand crafted angels is welcome. There will be no bad stuff in this group. We welcome anyone who
2. Signed into Yahoo I can see their home page with a picture of an FSL cross
3. It says the owner has this embroidery site
It looks legitimate to me.
This is on their Yahoo home page.
Welcome everyone,
**Free Designs for 24 hours** delivered to my members using CLIPBOARD!
Everyone that loves embroidery and hand crafted angels is welcome. There will be no bad stuff in this group. We welcome anyone who loves doing crafts of all kinds. Embellishing Quilts and wall hangings, jackets, shirts and dresses.
I was born with Cerebral Palsy. . This sometimes affects my ability to type clearly. I tell you this only so you may have a little patience's with me. My Moderator will help if we have a problem understanding each other. Free samples are offered on a time limited basses.
I hand draw some of my art work for my angels. Hand drawing my own art work and digitizing my designs is extra hard for me, so if you join my group for my free designs, then leave, you will be ban from coming back. Prayers requests are welcome in here.
Ads: You can leave an ad any day except Sundays and Holidays as often as you need. Check files for more info.
Terry's Site:
Sweet Angel's Designs
Let the angels teach you how to be empowered.
Do you feel unempowered?
Are you always having to rely on someone else to get you out of a fix?
The angels can help you to remember your power!
I Googled them, and the above is what I found. Unless you want to be plagued by meditation and mind alteration, I would delete.
Nope I never heard of it. If you did not solicite it delete it immediatly. Better to be safe than sorry Suzanne