by starlizard 25 Jun 2011


5 colors
15848 stitches
4" x 4.86"
Time: approx. an hour
Stitched onto white felt with tear away stabilizer.
All fill stitches.I reduced the size of 'Lucky' from it's original size to save on resources. This is a scanned image... so you're getting an almost 'up close and personal' view of it. It needs a bit of tweaking, but all in all, not too bad.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?



by starlizard 26 Jun 2011

Thanks, everyone. I appreciate your time and effort to respond.

by 02kar Moderator 26 Jun 2011

I know that when have tweaked it to your satisfaction, it will make a great design. I like it.

by capoodle 26 Jun 2011

It's really good for the first stitch out. Thanks for showing.

by shirlener88 25 Jun 2011

Liz, thanks for stitching it out - I see a couple places that you need to work on the fill and the outline - but I bet you get it done.

1 comment
starlizard by starlizard 25 Jun 2011

Hi Shirl...

Oh it definitely needs to be tweaked a bit. I thought about adding a satin stitch border around the shamrock's outer edges but decided against it... I just wanted to see the raw design stitched out first so I could see what it would really look like. Thanks for posting. Liz

by oaro 25 Jun 2011

nice work

1 comment
starlizard by starlizard 25 Jun 2011

Thank you.