What a wonderful idea.It is very beautiful as well as useful.I know a couple of people that could use one.Mind if I borrow your idea? Warm hugs and flowers for the idea.
It makes me so happy to know that you not only like my project but also want to use my idea. If you like I can measure the pieces I used and send the measurements and some instructions to you. Hugs, Helene
Helene, what a wonderful way to use your extra sew outs and to make something so very useful! You are not only talented, but clever!;)
Helene, this is wonderful - thanks for sharing it. *4U Shirlene
Good for you, and using your sample designs for decordation! I have seen somthing similar to this for walkers. Bet your mother loves it.
It is very striking.Quite clever way to make use of your different trial designs.Flower for you.
Great idea! And a thoughtfull present! I'm sure your mother is proud of your beautiful work! flower for it!
Great idea to put things in. Also love the way you used up your practice designs. *4U
good idea! this looks like it will sure hold even more than a "lap" full! A+
Wonderful idea, have seen bags on walkers but never thought about bags on wheelchairs. A flower for you
Looks very pretty. I had to push my father around the last 9 months while he was recovering from a severe illness, he's 95, and going shopping meant pushing him and carrying most of the shopping. I thought of making a bag, but somehow never got it done. He's on his feet again, but I'll keep this in mind. Thanks for sharing. Flower for you.