Well jrob, makes your place to work very cosy and spend many ours inthere. Looks great and locely colors. *4U
You certainly are very industrious(spelling??) Lovely combination of fabrics.
JUMP BACK! Are these gorgeous or what! Oh my goodness jrob... you did a phenomenal job.
Very nice,love your choice of colors. a flower for you
Lovely, do they draw-up like a roman shade? Have you ever tried M' Fay window treatments? I finished my daughter's first house with window treatments, table skirts, dust ruffles, baby nursery etc. Then she and my son-in -law bought another house. Presently I'm still working on projects. It's never ending!!! I plan on up dating my house next. by the way, love your green and red combination.
Thanks Kay, yes they are roman shades. I make all of my window treatments, and they obviously don't get changed too often!;)
I've been in this house since 1992. Time to redo. the only thing holding me back is money!!
My Heavens! You have drapes!!! ??? :-) I'm still dreaming about them. teeheehee! roses for you, M
Well, now that you are decorating, you get what you want, right!:! They are actually Roman Shades. I wanted to have lots of light, but still be able to lower them in the evening. ;)
jrob, I search for this last night for over an hour. Hehehe! How pretty, now where is the cover on your machine, lady? Thanks! Very nice work. *4U
The machine cover is buried in the projects somewhere. Teri had found it and commented about where were the drapes....;)