I absolutely ADORE my 4 cats, so feel for you about your sick baby.
Hope he gets better and can be with you a little longer.
hugs and prayers.
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
The Lord God made them all
Thanks so much for the prayers, please keep them coming. Dancer is still with us, he was in the hospital for a while, I'm treating him at home now. Since I started using some homeopathic remedies, he seems to be in a tiny bit better shape, but I'm still having to spoon-feed him. He's interested in eating, but his nose is stuffy, and he thinks I'm giving him an empty dish, can't smell the food! He seems to be getting a big stronger, and still sleeps with me, and purrs when I pet him, but he's not gaining any weight. And I do have the toxo, but I'm not letting any doctor near me till I get my boy better, because they probably won't let me go. Nobody else will catch it from me, though, you only get it from cleaning the litter boxes, and heaven knows I do enough of that! Thanks for caring, and for your prayers! Hugs, Marji
Goodness poor kitty! I'll be praying for all of you. I hope that Dancer is selfish and doesn't share his germs. May he get well soon...
Oh my dear Marji. I am so sorry to hear this. A few yrs. ago I had a cousin that had contacted the toxiplasmosis & was in the hospital. Bad for her because she has Krohns disease & it was exacerbated with the txment for the toxi. She is okay now but the Krohns rears it's ugly head quite often. You have my prayers as well as the rest of your precious crew./Lillian
prayers for you and all 6 cats and the dog. I shall not hug you now, haha, well I think a pc hug will be allowed. so here it is my hugs for you and all the animals. And I do hope Dancer will be able to do a happy dance with you soon.
Marji, I keep you in my prayers always, but am adding Dancer right now. So sorry to hear about this newest development and pray that all is cleared up soon.
P.S. Have you had the postman tested? [I know you "get" it.;)]
Hopefully every one is healthy enough to not be affected. Prayers that it was caught early enough and no one will get sick form this disease. Your kitty picture is cute and hope he will be back home with you soon.
Nice to see you here again, but I wish it was with better news.
It is a nightmare but at least you have it in perspective. God loves our animals too, so of course I will pray for you all.
Yes, you will also be in my prayers too, because I know how special our Kitty Babies are to us, hugs S*
Marji - thank you for letting us know what is going on in your life and I hope all will be well soon. What would we do without our beloved animals? We have missed you. Sarah.
Nice to see you here again, but I wish it was with better news. You know I will pray for Dancer and the rest of your 4 legged friends. I'll pray for you too and lets hope no further complications will arise. Hugs to you
Well dear Marji, so lovely to see your avatar on here once again. Now it's my time to keep your beautiful boy in my prayers. I've already asked God to watch over him and I pray that he wil return to you in much better health. God bless you all love and blessings Chris
Here's a picture of Dancer when he was healty, he's my beautiful boy!
Sorry for the 2 pix, but the first time all I got was the red x, so I shrunk it. Oh, well, he's pretty enough to see twice! M
Dancer is so handsome....I will be praying for him and you....Gods blessings to you.