Animated gifs are not videos therefore they are uploaded via the "upload image" tab.
Videos have to first be uploaded to your YOUTUBE Page, then you paste the link (provided at YouTube) in the "Upload Video" tab here.
Gee i just noticed how old this Q is??? maybe you figured it out already. hugs n roses anyway, M
kkcogle, if you want to show 2 pictures of the same project, you can do it either of 2 ways. 1) if you are using scanned photos, scan the 2 photos next to each other, making one picture, then post that. 2) if using digital photos, combine the 2 photos in your graphics program, e.g. photoshop, paint shop pro etc. Hope this helps, let me know if you need more info sweetie, hugs and a flower.
I don't think you will upset anyone here, even if you do they will let you know in a very nice careing way. Warm hugs and flowers to all
Thanks everyone...I will keep trying to figure out another avenue...
There is one person on here who has an avitar that's animated... ;-)
Hehehe! I bet you wouldn't make any one mad. But it might take up band width or something - that isn't allowed. *4U
I doubt if it would work but not sure. I know they asked not to use animated avatars but I have seen them here.
This is what is says : Your image should be a jpeg or gif (no animated gifs) Max 3072Kb. So I would assume your answer would be no, sorry. What another lady did was take a couple pics and overlap in the scanner and post it. *4U
rather than spread two pictures over two project posts. I found a way to make a video shot...but thought I had better ask before trying to upload one! I sure wouldn't want to make anyone mad!! Kim
No one gets mad kk they just keep u informed of the rules & we do the right thing