I googled the site and ended up spending nearly 2 searching designs ... wrong site lol. Its the link Bettina gives and you have to sign up.
I don't think it's a hunt. It's in Teriann's discussions. I used to get email from her but I don't anymore?
WooHoo - finally found it. Follow the Link as Terianne says.
Could one of you clever Cuties, who know what you're doing, let some of us novices know what (or where) we should be looking?
All I could find was someone thanking for the chickadee - but where is the clue????
Can you give a link to the clue that you have seen - I would love to hunt for this little chickadee but haven't a clue where to start!
All right I admit that I'm too stupid for this little bird...
Greetings, Bettina
Can you give us the link for Kitty deigns Please? Dont think I have been there before.Helen
well i just bought a bunch of new designs, still can't find it ? frankly i don't see anything that sayes ''link'', am i blind, or just tired of looking ? , her designs are so cute !!!
Just keep looking. I'm a member there and Teriann(kittydigitize) has given you a good clue. Have fun. She really has some awesome designs and they stitch out so nice.
could you tell us what the clue is - I'm afraid I can't even see where to look for that! (I am a member, but don't really know how to navigate that site!)