If the flower is orange (and it's not your own entry), click it.. you'll send a flower to someone. I'm doing that right now for you. ;-)
hey, Peggy! Welcome to the 'CUTE' family - we will be happy to assist you and give you flowers, too! *4U
Shirleen, you have helped me in so many ways. I just want to thank you again!
Well, you have your answer, so all I can do is make sure I have said "Welcome to our Cute family!" and here's *4U ><>
Hello plord, welcome to this site, About the flowers, just go to the orange flowers in the differend pages. click on the flower and it will turn grey, that is how we give eachother flowers in this community and we all love to give and get flowers. Here is a flower for you and it is numer 73. You will see how quick you bouquet will grow. Go for it