If you are looking for army font, here is free download of the font that can then be digitised for you. Helen
Thank you! Doesn't it just blow you away how many fonts there are out there?? I wonder if the army would be all worked up if I stitched out something similar but not exactly the right one. There are just tiny differences between the vast numbers of fonts. I'll have to browse a while. Again, thank you!!
I've asked my daughter to take some pictures of the guys' name tags so that I can post them for font ID. Nowadays, the military makes you buy everything. And if you damage anything (oh, like being shot in Iraq for example), you get to PAY to replace the damaged items!! Sad but true. When I was in the military, they would just issue clothes and if anything happened, they would just go get replacement item; no big deal. My how times have changed.
Well, I learn something new every day. I guess I thought if you were in the service, they'd give you your uniform stuff. Hope you can find out which font it is so you can save them a bit of money. As Shirlene suggested, scan it and post it here, it would be easier to recognize the font. Best of luck to you, hugs, Marji
Ask 02kar she has made patches for her hubby. He is in the military. She would know. Suzanne
Is the font which looks a bit like a stencil? If so there is one on Embroiderydesigns.com called "Army". I bought it last week for around $10.00. it stitches out well, comes in several sizes.
Do you have one that you can scan - if we could see it - we might be able to assist you easier.