by memasanders 21 Jul 2011

unless I wear this horrible neck brace. A wheelchair that 's looking better and better. and a husband who just doesn't give a damn. Now I feel better! LOL Some joke huh? I'm really scared My hands and feet are drawing up and he looks at me and says well that's what you get to look forward to my dear. What a guy.

I have really good days then days like today when I just feel sorry for myself so I will go out side for awhile I'm trying to refinish two metal lawn chairs. Then I'll come in and sew on my babies quilts. I have lost 30lbs that's a good thing I guess. The babies enjoy the cottage cheese hanging down under my arams they think it's cool. "Look mema you flap" only a child.........

Well I', done hope u all have a great day. luv to all Ronny


by gerryvb 28 Jul 2011

you are in my prayers and in my thoughts.hope the good days will come more and days like today will come less. But I'm glad you told us here. And whenever you feel like telling something about you, don't hesitate ; there always will be cuties who would like to give you support, a kind of shoulder to cry or to rest, and definately a big,prayers,support and hugs for you,Gerry

by stitchship 28 Jul 2011

You keep strong, and remember that prayer changes things. We here, will be praying for you.

You know, if you don't tell us, we don't know that you are in need of prayer. So, we are all glad you told us.

by elizabethak 27 Jul 2011

Hugs and prayers. HeE is watching over you. Do not be discouraged - you will gt thru this.
God bless you dear.

by airyfairy 25 Jul 2011

So pleased that you have posted this - and hope you will feel better for letting off steam. I am so sorry to hear what life has thrown at you at present. My thoughts are with you and hope you will make a quick recovery. Your husband needs to know that there is a saying "What goes around, comes around". Hugs Sarah.

by jrob Moderator 24 Jul 2011

Ronny, you are loved. God just adores you and he will give you strength to deal with all of this. Please, see a doctor and keep coming here to us. You can get loved through it.;)

by noah 23 Jul 2011

hello,i cannot think of another word to say that has not already been said so i will add:God is as close as the whisper of his name hugs and prayers carolyn from Northern,Ontario

1 comment
sandikat2 by sandikat2 27 Jul 2011

I can only add my prayers as well and second noah's sentiment - what a lovely way to feel our Lord's presence - He is with you - as is our support. Kathy

by fannyfurkin 23 Jul 2011

Ronny, I am sorry to hear this, I will keep you in my prayers.

by drcindyl 23 Jul 2011

Ronny, sounds like you have a problem with your brain or spinal cord. Perhaps you needs some MRI's.

by bumblebee 23 Jul 2011

My heart breaks to hear your story. I hope you have family near that can help support you thru these times. I would pray for your husband to gain wisdom. Do not give up and
find the support you need and your babies too- family, church, friends, community services- Most have them. You are brave to reach out on this list so keep being brave.
God loves you and your babies. Lastly, you are worth being
loved no matter what is wrong with you.
I will pray for your situation.

by leenova54 22 Jul 2011

I am so sorry to hear you are going though all this, hope there is something the doctors can do to help you. As for your hubby, men can be boys, they are lost when there are problems they can't do anything about. I only hope that is why your hubby is behaving like that. When I went through lung cancer my hubby didn't know how to help and a year and a half later the scar on my back still makes him a little sick. Hang in there girl, we are pulling for you!

by pennifold 22 Jul 2011

My dear friend Ronny, oh! I was so sorry to read this post. I have been praying for you for a long time and I know you know how I feel about what is happening. I too, like the others would request that you see your doctor for all the symptoms you are experiencing.

Keep your faith Ronny - for it is in the Lord that we find our strength and He will carry us and never forsake us. I will keep your husband in my prayers for sympathy and an understanding of what is happening to you. As others have said sometimes men don't seem very sympathetic as they don't understand what is happening and are afraid to confront illness.

Not a good way to lose weight, but you must make sure you keep your food intake under check.

I'm glad you have your babies to look forward to. They are such a delight, even when they say funny things - at least they are truthful!

Sending all my love, hugs, prayers and thoughts. You know I care - love and blessings Chris

P.S. Keep your chin up.

1 comment
nannynorfolk by nannynorfolk 25 Jul 2011

Agree Chris, Ronnie's far too young for a double chin ;)

by crafter2243 Moderator 22 Jul 2011

I am so glad you vented. It does not change the pain, but maybe you get the feeling of someone else helping to carry some. It has to be so frustrating to want to do things and pain keeps you from doing so and also wears you down. I agree with Marji. Some men do not know how to deal with it and say dumb things to cover it up. I believe it may even be fear on their part. My husband was incapable of coming to the hospital while I was there and when he picked me up he was playing nervously with a bunch of coins in his pocket. I wish I could make you feel better but all I can do is send you a cyber hug. I hope that will help a tiny little bit.

by mary51 22 Jul 2011

Ronny have you seen a Dr. if not please do so, it feels good when we "talk" about our problems, this site is the best, God will protect you and guide you, find help from a professional as soon as possible, do what you feel like doing in your good days. God bless you.

by twee 22 Jul 2011

Hugs and you are in my prayers. Venting sometimes helps. And, it is so comforting to know that people care.

by lbrow 22 Jul 2011

Ronny I am so sorry you are having all these problems. "Ain't" getting old the pitts? I do hope you can get some help, some kind of physician who can meet your needs & help you. In the meantime call on the Great Physician & I will talk with him about you also. I hopw you have an increase of better days & a decrease of the bad days./Lillian

by marjialexa Moderator 21 Jul 2011

My dear Ronny, I surely do hope you can find a doctor or chiropractor who can help you! I know how long I struggled to get help before they found out it was food allergies, so please hang in there and keep trying. You are in my best thoughts and prayers. I hope you have more "better" days than "worse" days, and that your DH somehow gets it that to be a little sympathetic will not make him less 'manly'. As Kali Nelson said, men can have a hard time with showing fear, sometimes it comes out as indifference because they just can't say they're scared stupid about what's happening to you. Hang in there, Meme, and not just your under arms, hee hee hee. Luv ya, Marji

by shirlener88 21 Jul 2011

Ronny, so sorry to hear of all this - it is never easy to deal with anything that happens in life as we get older or ill - but I know you are strong and you will be able to deal with the things that happen to you - keep venting - if it helps.

by judybell 21 Jul 2011

Ronny, I too am sorry you are ill. My prayer is that you can find a doctor that can help you. Sometimes it takes several to find the right one. May you feel all the prayers that are going up for you. Hugs, Judy

by devon 21 Jul 2011

Sometimes we need a hug!!!! sending one to you!!!!

by kalinelson 21 Jul 2011

I'm so sorry to hear this, but so glad you shared....I and many others will be praying for you....I so hope you find a Doctor that can help you....consider yourself hugged by many....Gods blessing to you and your husband (I'm sure God will touch your hubbies heart, we show fear in many different ways)

by 02kar Moderator 21 Jul 2011

You hang in there. You have people who love you and not because of what you can do. Hmm, is your husband struggling also and hiding his pain through apathy? Keep venting, we are here and will listen.

by capoodle 21 Jul 2011

Like you said you have really good days and then really really bad days. Try to do what you can when you have those good days and save some simple things to do on the bad days enough to keep your mind off the situation. Please try not to get discouraged ~ you can only do so much and nobody should expect you to do any more. Prayers that your symptoms will subside and give you some relief. Hugs.

by anangel 21 Jul 2011

It is so easy to get frustrated and discouraged, when one can't seem to get to feeling even half way good! As we get
older, it does seem like another ailment comes too often and wants to stay! It is difficult to keep a positive atttitude, when you hurt like heck and incapacitated in so many ways, but positive thinking has more healing power than many medicines! Staying busy seems to help in a lot of ways too! May the Lord bless you with better days and strength to keep on keeping on!!

by bevintex 21 Jul 2011

Ronny As soon as possibly make an appointment with a doctor. Take care of yourself first, other things can wait.

by babie 21 Jul 2011

I will pray for you. You have to keep your spirits up and I can see the humor coming through when you talk about the kids. Think of you ***

getEdited - SELECT
by caroldann 21 Jul 2011

Ronny, I send you prayers and hugs. Stay strong, stay positive. I will pray that it will get better for you. Hugs...Carol

by asterixsew Moderator 21 Jul 2011

Hi Ronny sorry to hear that life is not too brilliant at the moment will think positive thoughts for you