by joaniessw 23 Apr 2008

RE: Shoe Bag. Sorry ladies, I forgot to mention I used the gr8 dollar store pillow cases that feel like stabilizer (1 layer) and left it in and also lined the bag so no stitching inside showing.


by nglover1 24 Apr 2008

Thank you Joanie .

by letvia 24 Apr 2008

I don't know what pillow case is that one. At a specific dollar store like Dollar Tree or at regular ones? Thank you so much dear Joanie. Flower and XoXo

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 24 Apr 2008

Someone earlier mentioned laundry bags that they stitched on, well I went to "Dollarama" and they never had them but they had pillow covers made out of a fabric that felt and looked like stabilizer. So I used it as my stabilizer (it also melts with a hot iron, but will not melt if ironed on the fabric stitched to it---if covered/layered over with fabric first). There were two pillow covers with zippers in one pack. The zippers themselves are worth more than the $1.oo it cost. If it helps any, the brand name is "Richard". Just a cheap replacement for stabilizer to which I would never use if any chance the stabilizer itself would get in contact with a hot iron. Hope that helps dearie. *4U

by ruthie 24 Apr 2008

Thanks joanie, hugs and a flower sweetie.

by shirlener88 24 Apr 2008


by dkjack 23 Apr 2008

Thanks joaniessw!