I already wrote to claudenicolas . The thing is that she is in France and I am in Canada.We do not have the same time, But as soon as I will get a question, I will answer.Sorry, my english vocabulary is very very small.
That's fine modo, I know all about the time difference, I'm in Australia, when I'm awake most of the US is asleep, but I'm sure claudenicolas will answer when she sees this. And your english is very good sweetie. Thanks again, many hugs and flowers.
Modo, this one is just to bring this post back to the top so that you see it. Read my comment under your comment sweetie, hugs and flowers to you, and sorry about not being more specific when I first wrote this.
Your page? **
Oh dear, so sorry about that modo sweetie, I should have been more specific shouldn't I. I meant the post where I asked for someone to help claudenicolas. I think maybe the two of you were like ships passing in the night, so thought I'd post this one. Maybe if you post as a question, she will answer and tell you what she needs to know. Sorry to have to ask for your help in this, but she does need some help and my French is limited to an on-line translator! Thanks so much for this modo, I really appreciate your help sweetie, many hugs and flowers for you .
I really appreciate your offer to help modo, and I know that claudenicolas is grateful for your help. Hugs and a flower for you, you're a real sweetie.